Pollen Distribution period starting May 17

Again I am interested in other solutions to the main issue I am pointing out which is: There is no way to get Agave into the hands of those that contribute.

How would you propose the $Agave that you are suggesting gets donated to 1Hive be distributed to the people that have participated in discussion and code specifically for the Agave project?

I donā€™t see how having people with different scores on different SourceCred instances is a bad thing. I think itā€™s actually a good thingā€¦for the reasons I mentioned in my last post. In terms of having to reestablish themselves, having a separate instance would actually make it easier for a new member to start gaining a meaningful amount of Cred/tokens for their contribution. Everyone would be starting out on equal footing for that project, and if you contribute to one swarm and not another you are not splitting funds with people that have already built up a bunch of cred from past work on other projects.

For example: if Swarm A has 5 people contributing to it and Swarm B has 10 people contributing to it and the allocation to source cred is 50 HNY, and assuming the output of each swarm is determined to be of equal importance and the input of each member is determined to be roughly the same; then the distribution would have each member in both Swarms receive 1 HNY.

BUT if each swarm had its own SC instance then a proposal could be put through to present the value of the Swarms output, which would then be voted on by the DAO to receive an allocation of HNY. Now say it was determined again that Swarm Aā€™s output is of equal value to that of Swarm B and they were allotted 25 HNY each (50 total from the first example). And assuming once again that all members contributed roughly the same amount, the distribution looks a lot different. Each member in Swarm A would receive 5 HNY (25 HNY/5 members), while the members in Swarm B would only get 2.5 HNY 25HNY/10 members).

Whatā€™s wrong with having more people managing SC instances? You mentioned to me when I was asking you questions about SC that it is actually much easier to manage SC when the pool of contributers is smaller. So this sounds like a bonus to me. It gives other community members the opportunity to step up and help out, and it spreads the workload across more people, which would, in turn, make your job (as it is right now) easier.

I think you are still conflating the 2 separate topics we are discussing here as I mentioned in my last post:

  1. I am not suggesting that every swarm get their own SC instance right now, but I think it is something that we can and (maybe) should move towards. This will become more feasible with the automations that are currently being worked on.

  2. I think Agave should have its own instance because it has its own token that would ideally be distributed to the members of the community that have contributed to the project directly.

I was under the impression that this feature is still just a thought that was added as one potential thing that could be added to Agave in the future. There is no timeline or as far as I know, any work being done on it currently. Even still I imagine implementing this is going to come with a number of intricate problems to solve. To say that it makes it impossible I think may be inaccurate. I mean if for the first iteration one could only get a cash advance on the HNY they are getting from the main Pollen instance, I donā€™t think that would be the end of the world. I would presume that down the road Agave might want to allow people to take out loans on Cred they are earning in other projects that have separate SC instances (like maybe the SC instance for the people building SourceCred for example). In that case, we are facing the same issue. So maybe it would be simple enough to say you will need to take out a loan based on a specific SC instance and if a person wants to, they could take out several loans, one for each of the SC instances they have built up cred in. Much like we will be able to take out loans based on different collateral types, an SC instance just acts like a different source of collateral, and each SC instance we are a part of would be a distinguishable source of collateral. This would be in lieu of being able to build the payday system in such a way that it is able to combine SC instances into one form of collateral, which I can imagine being more difficult to do, but I wouldnā€™t say impossible at this point.

I just want to say that I am still not sold on the idea of payday loans in the first place. I think it opens up a slippery slope and is reminiscent of aspects of the traditional finance system that I find unsavory. I trust that the community can decide if it is something it wants to support though. However, In order to do that people will need a way to obtain tokens, which brings this post full circle.


And Celeste can have more efficiency and monitoring in the 1hive galaxy

+1 to this, which should be at the core of any fledgling DAO that is trying to take shape like AGAVE. At this stage, I know there was a fair launch and community members that had spent effort in some way got retroactively rewarded. But the key is then to have the next set of community members that want to be part of the protocols development and play the most active part at the early stages of the protocol to earn the token that can then be used to influence the protocols progress. I really hope that any future DAOs that spawn from the Gardens DAO consider this.

The best example for me is 1Hive/HNY - So I as a newer user missed in the initial distro phase where the faucet probably dished out 1 or more HNY for being around. But when i did get here and started to dig around, i realised sourcecred (leading to cred/pollen/HNY) was one of the best incentives i found from the other DAOs I was involved. This really then incentivises a current crop of users/community!

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I commented on this subject in this forum post here

In short I believe 1hiveā€™s number one objective is building a community, pollen is exceptional at doing this. I think pollen (honey) paid to swarms/communities like agave & tulip is extremely beneficial to that vision of 1hive. As a way to keep the communities connected it would be nice to see 1hiveā€™s reach grow with it. It only has to be a very insignificant amount like $1k per week to the agave discord + github to have a positive impact. I do not support any funding from agave to 1hive to fund this.

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The pollen system is very important to me too. I am also late to the party and the pollen system is my primary source of hny. Whenever I think about spending some time on Discord I am pulled towards 1hive even though sometimes I want to help other daos, like Agave beezu and hivecraft. The fact that I canā€™t build pollen elsewhere has a strong influence on where I spend my time and energy. I definitely want to see the pollen/cred system expand to other projects stemming from 1hive. Or some other way to reward contributors. I really donā€™t know enough about what kind of work is involved creating an individual instance of SC to comment on that decision.

Yea 100% - the source cred is a really good incentive and an ingenious one at that! Not sure who the credit goes to but I wish a lot of the other DAOs actually utilise this method to distribute tokens fairly instead of all out dropping tokens to the whales. If they even allocate a small % of the total airdrop to something very productive like source cred/ pollen i think community engagement and quality on discord/ discourse will really improve - eventually bringing back value to the DAO and protocol! Its a super cycle once it gets going like pollen in 1Hive at the moment!

So one really cool aspect of SourceCred is that it is retroactive. Meaning once you activate it on a platform it gathers all the past saved data and applies the weighting rules to it and mints the appropriate amount of grain to the users that opted in.

I think it is safe to assume that most if not all 1Hive related servers will be incentivized at some point. I think what we are discussing at present is if they should all be under the same instance or if some or all of them should have their own SourceCred instance. On top of that, we are discussing what currency is most appropriate as payment for which swarms.

All that being said if you want to contribute to other swarms I think you should. While you will likely not receive the reward soon, I believe the idea is that you will eventually.