Provide clearer information on proposals on 1Hive

Proposal Title

Provide clearer information on proposals on 1Hive

Proposal Information

The 1Hive proposal page is seriously lacking in context and information. I am proposing that we not just provide links to the forum, but information directly on the proposal page clearly explaining the context of each proposal. Not only that, but a Wiki on the 1Hive page that makes essential information readily available. This is severely lacking on the 1Hive site.

Expected duration or delivery date (if applicable):


Funding Information (For Funding Proposals)

Amount of HNY requested:

Ethereum address where funds shall be transferred:

More detailed description of how funds will be handled and used:

For example, where are people supposed to find information about the difference between a Signaling Proposal and Funding Proposal? or what the tokenomics are and how inflation works? or detailed info about farming?

All this stuff should be readily available on the FRONT PAGE. clear as day.

There are multiple ongoing efforts for wiki content and guides that might be of interest to you - search around the forums. :blush:

The reason for the lack of wiki/guide content is that we were caught off guard by the influx of people, so we hadn’t gotten around to it.

There are a lot of guides on the forums itself in the Community -> Learning category, including information about farming etc.

hey mate check this out Marketing: Knowledge Bank.

oh yeah, i understand that. but i think it would be hugely beneficial to put it smack dab on the front page.