Reflection on the Agave launch

This situation is very distrurbing to me. I consolidated everything I had into honey to be ready for this launch. Burned all my lp and converted everything to honey. I did this because the plan was to launch hny/agave only.

I couldn’t get back to weth after the pool was made because making that pool caused a huge drop in honey, which I was all in now. I lost in both aspects, not able to buy agave at the anticipated price and not being able to go back to weth from honey without taking a nearly 20% loss.

It is impossible to determine anyone’s possible outcome now. Getting something back is better than nothing but could never compensate for the huge opportunity loss this mishap created.

The only people who knew the weth pool was being created were the ones who bought it up before any of us could.

Agave didn’t launch as planned or publicly announced.
A new pool was created without vote or proper announcement.
100% of liquidity pulled out of honey pool
The dip caused by team selling honey forced us to stay in honey or take huge loss to convert to weth.
The people who created the new pool were the ones to buy it all up first.

Where did the weth come from to pool the 9000 agave? Who decided to create the weth pool and how do they have complete control when this is a dao?

The mistake was corrected by literally taking, what would have been all our profits, and pooling them into weth and buying it all up.

I want to add that I think the work being done to correct this is arduous and applaude @Luigy for taking the time to compile and offer a solution. Thank you for that!

I fully agree, @luigy did an amazing job to make the proposal fair :+1: Thanks a lot

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Just want to say this isn’t true. As far as I know, no one who was on the call and knew the WETH pool plans bought when that liquidity was added, before the price stabilized.


I can conform this too (´ ∀ ` *)

Here is a link to my proposal Agave Retributions Proposal


good job,a better day

Good Job sir! Keep building, I trust Agave and honey

I understand the situation, but don’t worry. We are thanks for everything!

So I am out .1 HNY after this and am unsure what to do…

Also let me say that the way this was handled was professional and the best possible option.

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