Tulip Swarm Updates and Proposal #1

This is a very interesting and important proposal. Thank you!

And wait under 2. these LP’s also still earn their rewards at their normal rate? I think that this could possibly just have a negative impact on liquidity since long-term providers are already established and a large part is made of short term providers who will just migrate to greener pastures.

I totally agree with what I indicated, in a percentage, people with shorter-term LP are well above those who contribute in the long term

Def MIVA and XGT should be on the list.

brother there they are listed in the pairs HNY-MIVA, HNY-XGT as indicated @solarmkd :raised_hands:


At some point we should probably start thread defining the criteria we use to develop these point system such as: trading volume, liquidity, community engagement, project update / partnership, potential xdai impact, potential honeyswap impact, etc.

here is the proposal based on some feedback in this forum


Yeah, we will continue to build up on the pairs and rewards,creating additional criteria and possibilities for new projects entering on Honeyswap dex and helping them build liquidity. We also need to come up with a schedule for reallocating and changing the rewards on a monthly basis.

We can make application form for new projects to enter and discuss those internally before we make any decisions, giving them opportunity to pitch their project if they are new on the forum or establish partnerships and mutual incentives.


So LPs will still earn trading fees for providing liquidity. Long term liquidity providers can increase their farming rewards by locking their LP-tokens. Should actually be positive as it’ll encourage long-term provision and a part of Honeyswap’s liquidity will be guaranteed to stay long term thanks to the locks.

It is a great idea. In my opinion, if new people are to be active in this community, we should pay more attention to them and inform them of new projects and ideas, and we will use various rewards and awards to encourage them to We can keep them in this society and we can make them prosperous, which I think will be very effective


@saeed.sjd i think it’s excellent, your appreciation of encouraging people or community, but we must bear in mind that it is not only a community but a community that is capable of participating with coherence to what is being treated at a given moment, excuse my bad English

brother a question, once farming is implemented, new pairs could be entered or different from the ones you indicate here


I would like to see some pair that include prtcle other than HNY-Prtcle such as Prtcle -Agve, Prtcle-Xdai or any other, is that possible.

I do not mean by this that the HNY-Prtcle pair is wrong

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If the society we have is expanding, it is certainly great for everyone, so we should try to expand it, and I would like to try to expand in this society.

So it will be and we will see many projects grow, are you the creator of any project? Rare?

No, but I hope I can create a new idea for 1hive so that people in this community can benefit from it :blush:

Agree. Would like to see more xDAI pair support as these LPs actually ties a token price to the key stablecoin.

Example /r/ethtrader plans 50K DONUTs/week DONUT-xDAI LP farming incentive. This is where we plan to focus our LP efforts and that is where we expect most of the trading to happen not on HNY-DONUT.

We will see how much MKR comes to xDAI to pair with HNY for farming return. someone will do it but I don’t expect much trading to happen in that pair.

While I can see the general appeal to tie to HNY I think this is a mistake generally as moves in HNY price will require large moves in token ratios to that. I believe key pairs to incentivize are ones with the highest liquidity. This would be wETH, and xDAI. I also have already done analysis on volume/liquidity and pair incentives and it is always better to focus LP incentives on Token-stablecoins because stablecoin prices actually are slightly anticorrelated with market moves where as wETH-TOKEN or HNY-TOKEN pairs pretty much are going to move together. In effect you get more trading volume in the stablecoin pairs than anything else as exhibited by the Honeyswap

STAKE-xDAI pairs having the highest overall returns since inception.

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@Blazar @Monstrosity @solarmkd What should be done to integrate other pairs that are not indicated in the farm that is about to start

I don’t think anything has been finalized yet. If you want to add anything or make changes to the proposal that was posted above and then give us a rationale for the changes that would help people add to the discussion for what the official proposal should look like.

The proposal itself is excellent and I support that, what I would like is to see more pairs, that suggestion can be made by one or it must be requested by the owner of the project

This is kind of related-ish. Has anyone thought about promoting HoneySwap and other xDai protocols to the traders on mainnet? Right now is the perfect time to move their activity over with gas prices in the teens and 20s.