1Hive Wiki using GitBook

I have created and received a free licence for us to use GitBook as a wiki: https://1hive.gitbook.io/1hive/ It’s very easy to use, those given permission can edit content directly in the web browser and those without permission can create PR’s against the GitHub Wiki repo: github.com/1Hive/wiki I have also added a brief guide for how to contribute via Github PR’s: https://1hive.gitbook.io/1hive/guides/wiki-contribution. Ultimately I hope this will replace the about.1hive.org website which isn’t very user friendly or as easy to contribute too, perhaps along with a new 1Hive landing page similar to the in development Honeyswap landing page.

To ensure the wiki remains up-to-date, and to encourage an effort to fill it with content initially, I propose one member from each swarm be chosen/volunteer who will ensure either they or members of their swarm, keep information relevant to their project and swarm up-to-date. These members will be given direct write access to the Wiki so they can edit it through the Wiki site. Other members of the swam can create Github PR’s to update content. If there is anyone that would like write access that isn’t part of a swarm then please make your case and I’m sure you can have access. If this seems reasonable then those who want write access contact me directly.

Anyone contributing to the wiki that is part of a swarm should be compensated from their swarm’s funds should their contribution be sizeable enough that it merits remuneration. Individuals making contributions external to swarms ideally will be rewarded with pollen. However, those with permission to update the wiki through the website automatically create commits for every edit they make, which means they could unfairly gain a lot of cred, in which case I propose setting commit cred to 0, but leaving PR cred as it is, allowing external contributors using PR’s to be rewarded. Unfortunately we cannot have different cred settings for specific repos at this time, so I propose leaving the cred score for the wiki repo at 0.

I see Buzz is proposing to maintain documentation in their recent proposal, so perhaps general management and initial filling of the wiki can be orchestrated by them.

I have made a start along with @Monstrosity on the general structure, although I’m open to suggestions. I would like to request that structural changes to the Wiki (anything changing in the left hand menu) be discussed amongst wiki contributors in the Buzz channel (since it seems they’re gonna manage it) before being made. Most of the current pages are empty.

No HTML, CSS or JS is required for this Wiki it only uses Github markdown. This means it isn’t very flexible in terms of layout or design but it is easy to use.

Unfortunately we cannot point it to a “wiki.1hive.org” URL at this time because the GitBook guys don’t allow numbers in the URL’s for some reason. I’m in touch with them and they’ll update us once we can, no word on when that will be though.

GitBook also allows you to create multiple “spaces” which are separate Wiki/Documentation sites, so if this Wiki becomes so full it’s hard to understand, we can extract some bits into a new Wiki site eg Celeste could end up with its own Wiki.


Great initiative! Nicely done @willjgriff
It makes absolute sense to have a wiki made by the community in a DAO

The wiki looks very good, in the next days I will be making a proposal for Terra swarm with the help of people that wants to translate the information from the wiki.

Looks like there’s a pretty good feature for switching between multiple languages too: https://docs.gitbook.com/editing-content/variants We need to finalise the structure and get it filled with content before there will be anything to translate but will be great to do.

Thanks @willjgriff for helping out with this.

I couldn’t post the wiki structure in the forum from my phone so it can be found here in the discord until I have a chance to update this post from a computer.