A one time total distribution of remaining HNY in faucet

A one time total distribution of remaining HNY in faucet supply evenly to all previous accessed users.

The value of the faucet is becoming too low to justify the gas costs for, I propose evenly distributing the rest of the faucet balance to previous faucet users with a one time airdrop.

What the gas fees only $0.001

Do we really need a HNY airdrop of that much to justify a change?

I don’t see much value in a exponentially downsizing faucet, it wont even be used anymore, I don’t see the value that has, is someone going to get 0.00000001 HNY and that is going to bring the community together somehow?
The faucet is broken, and I propose it will be more beneficial to put the remaining balance into the hands of the community to bring it liquidity to the market while this platform still has legs.

This can be done actually, if you imply registered users getting the remainder in the faucet.
However, the faucet has the benefit of forcing new users to install, learn, configure an ethereum wallet such as metamask. So as onboarding users into the network itself by being dropped xdai for transactions and a bit of honey. I think in the future we can move into a more guided/interactive method for this procedure, using something like quests.

But for now i don’t think we should do this. However, we may eventually do this with the current contract in order to terminate or empty it.

Lets cancel the faucet at all! :slight_smile:

It forces people to be too greedy and it incentivizes the devil inside of their souls.

I propose to create new kind of the faucet. Anybody could fill this new faucet with a possibility of free help to others who need it. Anybody who needs the help, could claim it. Anybody who delivers the help, would be rewarded by good feeling. Such kind of faucet would make the world better.

Some have discussed options with the remaining honey and I suspect there is more desire to send the remaining back to the common pool /buy it back or find some other project/idea

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I do agree that the faucet as has probably outlived its usefulness and we should create a new faucet of some sort, maybe with rewards that time out rather than remain indefinitely, or some other mechanism entirely.