Agave Deposit Rewards

I am new to 1hive and all of it’s wonderful products and loving every minute! I really like Agave as I have used Aave before and loved it. My question is what is the reward for depositing say xDAI into the protocol? The claimable rewards picture looks like a STAKE-AGAVE LP, is that correct?

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Yes, rewards are given in a CPT (Cent Pool Token) from Symmetric finance, a fork of Balancer on xDai.

If you want to claim the STAKE and AGAVE you have to go to their page and withdraw it. (Though if you let me give you a tip, I’d hold the CPT in my wallet as you get extra rewards in SYM and STAKE once a week just for holding).

If you have any other questions feel free to reach back, preferably on discord so it’s easier to help you :slight_smile:


Thank you! Is there a place to find the contract address to add it to Metamask?

Also, I tried to join the discord but all the invite links don’t work.

Where are these broken links? we should fix that.

Here’s a valid one

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