Agave Reparations Proposal

Hola está muy buena esa propuesta. Excelente equipo

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good night, wonderful team excellent proposal

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Very fair and well thought out. Congratulations on a job well done :partying_face:

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I aprove it! Thank you.

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good ,I totally agree

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This proposal is very good :rocket:

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This is how you grow a community. Transparency and ownership for mistakes. Full support.

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It seems like there is a consensus to move forward with the proposal as is. There are a total of 130 individual transactions, 89 AGVE, and 41 HNY payments. Each of these payments has to be approved by the DAO. asking everyone to vote 130 times is not scalable!

I have written a script that will batch these payments into 3 votes (53 is the maximum per vote due to the gas limit) and while it works, there is an issue where there the client is not describing the content of the votes correctly.

considering this proposal will transfer $460,000 we want to make sure everyone knows exactly what they are voting on. You guys have been super patient, and i assure you This is my top priority. I am working with @gabi over the weekend to fix the issue and we will do our first DAO votes real soon.

When the proposal is ready, anyone with AGVE will be able to participate here


Great, Ready and attentive to any news.

Es una propuesta muy buena, me parece que es lo mejor para las personas que entraron a negociar, buen trabajo.


Thanks for your hard work on all of this, I think you have found a decent solution to a near impossible situation.

Facing difficulties makes things stronger.

Nice one!
Great job.
Support all the way.

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The first votes are live 🚀 First Agave votes are live


Good job, we appreciate this topic and understand what an such important is for all of us.

Thank you man, we appreciate it!

Why a contract will get 2.247 Agave? 0x89e2F342b411032a580fEfa17f96da6A5bef4112


thanks for the catch

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It was a good participation!

Will we have more proposals?

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Can I have it instead? :see_no_evil: :joy:

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nice , fair. clear…