AIRDROP KPI option for UMA, airdrop value can be worth of $18000 if the UMA reach to 2000m TVL

What? They have said airdrop will be in June

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The UMA options are live, you can claim your rewards here :

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Error when I try to claim:

underlying network changed (event=“changed”, network={“chainId”:100,“name”:“unknown”}, detectedNetwork={“name”:“homestead”,“chainId”:1,“ensAddress”:“0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e”}, code=NETWORK_ERROR, version=providers/5.0.24)

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I still dont get if we claim we get Options I see but how that will get converted to UMA later we need to do one more txn

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I think so, but that will be the last problem if they reach 2b TVL…like paying 50-150$ for thousands…

Guys, dont forget to claim KPI Option airdrop

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