AIRDROP KPI option for UMA, airdrop value can be worth of $18000 if the UMA reach to 2000m TVL

UMA will be airdropping a new incentivization mechanism called a “KPI option” to a curated list of addresses in DeFi. The value of these options depends on the TVL of the UMA protocol, thereby giving every recipient an incentive to grow the protocol. (KPI = key performance indicator)
The Risk Labs foundation has allotted 2,000,000 $UMA [~$60M USD] for this purpose. The target date for the close of this program is June 2021, at which point the KPI options will be redeemable for $UMA. These tokens will have a minimum value of 1 $UMA each — but if the KPI target is hit, they will pay out 20 $UMA, a 20x increase.

The airdop value can be worth of $18000 if the UMA reached 2000m TVL, see pics below :

UMA’s KPI Options airdrop has been awarded to snapshot voters for five DeFi governance communities:






As well as to anyone who has interacted with UMA in specific ways. Details here:

List of address are eligible for airdrop :

Check if you are lucky one :smiley: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

What’s Next

We will make the final announcement with the claim process when the site is ready.


@wikisum you are like a ray of sunshine - giving us great airdrop news so often :smiley:
Thank you very much for all your hard work! :heart:


Give me a :heart: , I will post another airdrop worth more than 1000$ right now :see_no_evil:


As many as you would like :smiley:

lol, thanks. :rofl: :crazy_face:

Check this if you are eligible, it worth of 1400$ now

Good luck :kissing_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This one looks amazing! …but sadly, I’m not an artist of any kind, and my NFT knowledge is minimal. Still - amazing airdrop! I hope that some of our forum members will use it and have more luck. Good luck!

Wow. Thanks @wikisum. :honeybee: :heart:
Just claimed mine.

ANOTHA ONE, @wikisum you’re the DJKHALED of 1hive.=))

Thank u for the info! I am elegible!

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Amazing! Thanks for the info :smiley:

Just a note:

In the medium post the actual multipliers of $UMA are min 0.1 and max 2.

In any case, it’s an awesome airdrop and thank you once again for sharing!

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Super excited that I qualified!

Question for those that qualify:

Are you going to hold or sell?
  • hold
  • sell

0 voters


I will hold all tokens, it’s free money and based on those targets I think it will become a self fulfilling prophecy that it hits at least 500m TVL… look at badger dao they already have 1.5billion


This airdrop now worth of 3400$ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart: :see_no_evil: :crazy_face:
Keep it, NFT are strong trending now :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Edited: I was in the wrong post. Thanks for the info on this. $18k would be crazy.

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we need more info like this, thanks

Keep following your information you upload everyday . Thank you

Que buena información, soy elegible, me alegra que este creciendo el foro tambien en español, espero pronto también realizar aportes

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What happiness to be able to be here with the wonderful people of the community and 1Hive, which is the best!!! :smiley: :star_struck:

More will come :see_no_evil: :kissing_heart: :blush:


the airdrop is live now :tada: