UMA will be airdropping a new incentivization mechanism called a “KPI option” to a curated list of addresses in DeFi. The value of these options depends on the TVL of the UMA protocol, thereby giving every recipient an incentive to grow the protocol. (KPI = key performance indicator)
The Risk Labs foundation has allotted 2,000,000 $UMA [~$60M USD] for this purpose. The target date for the close of this program is June 2021, at which point the KPI options will be redeemable for $UMA. These tokens will have a minimum value of 1 $UMA each — but if the KPI target is hit, they will pay out 20 $UMA, a 20x increase.
The airdop value can be worth of $18000 if the UMA reached 2000m TVL, see pics below :
UMA’s KPI Options airdrop has been awarded to snapshot voters for five DeFi governance communities:
As well as to anyone who has interacted with UMA in specific ways. Details here:
List of address are eligible for airdrop :
Check if you are lucky one
What’s Next
We will make the final announcement with the claim process when the site is ready.