BrightID verifivcation

Can I get my BrightID verifivcation xDai address 0xEF08c3d5b02cF6240Cf71908D5dBD497e361584f

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Not sure what you mean

You need to make connections, add apps and join groups on BrightID in order to get verified.


Great thamk you! …

It is best to join one of the video meetups, then you will get verified soon after.


Thanks Harry. ! signed up for today at 3pm

When you join the meet party, one of the admins will join and show their code for everyone to scan. It is much more powerful to make 1-to-many/group connections than making lots of 1-to-1 individual connections. Once you have some green verified people on your connections list, make your own group with 2x green people as co-founders and that will help to get you verified quickly

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for people who find its hard to be verified, the easy way its to come on brigthid discord in the #party-reminder

an admin will post 5 mins before the start

you join int with your desktop and open the webcam

and admin will show a QR code, you scan it with your mobile apps

then you wiat 30 min and verify the other people present

and its done

i hope it will help you to understand how its work

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