Celeste Passive Subscriptions Deposit #5

Celeste Passive Subscriptions Deposit #5

Proposal Information

Link to Proposal: Gardens

Proposal description:
Funding Celeste subscriptions to create rewards for Celeste stakers for roughly 1 year. The Celeste subscriptions contract maintains an APY of 25%. At ~810 HNY staked in Celeste that’s ~202.5 HNY per year.

Credit to sem for the format of this proposal #4 taken from Celeste Passive Subscriptions Deposit #3 which includes links to other previous proposals (this proposal copied and pasted from Celeste Passive Subscriptions Deposit #4 with numbers updated).

Funding Information (For Funding Proposals)

Amount of HNY requested:
202.5 Honey

Ethereum address where funds shall be transferred:
The Celeste Subscriptions contract: 0x4e4EA6845d7656d569DC4CCC7b68Bb3023720837