Circles UBI - new xDai project

Hey guys i signed up but i need some help getting verified.
My name is @AdriaanCrypto ofcourse i will return the favor :grin:
and this is my link:
Thanks in advance !

Added Stonky and Adriaancrypto to my Circle :smiley:
Anyone have any idea whether the token we get daily are even worth anything?

I’ve managed to be verified by sending xdai to the address. But also I’ve added all of you who linked their profile here in this post.
Feel free to add me at Circles UBI | Wallet

You need three people must trust your profile.
Currently cant add anyone. If I understand I need 3 people to add me ?

Feel free to add here:

Circles UBI

I have added Sklegnar and NirVana both to my trust list :slight_smile:


Very interesting! If anyone would like to add me here is my link:

Hi all, could anyone help to add me:

Thank you very much!

(I am u/ethereum88 on reddit, active on the xDAI subreddit as well.)

Hi … can anyone help me to get verified ? thank you ! Circles UBI | Wallet