Erc20 of HNY for investors, to create market and value

Proposal Title Erc20 for HNY

Proposal Information

Proposal description: I Think it is important to give value at hny coins, to attract than people on the platform for reward and for the dex, it is possible to do that having possibility to buy and sell also on uni and on exchanges
An accurate and detailed description of what you are proposing

Proposal Rationale
Detailed rationale for why this proposal exists and should matter to HNY holders, the 1Hive community, and/or DAO ecosystem

Expected duration or delivery date (if applicable):
How long do you think it will take to deliver on your proposal

Team Information (For Funding Proposals)

Names, usernames, and/or relevant social links for team members (Twitter, Github, 1Hive Forum, etc.):

Skills and previous experience in related or similar work:
What are some of your skills or related experience that might help inform HNY holders about your ability to execute on your proposal

Funding Information (For Funding Proposals)

Amount of HNY requested:

Ethereum address where funds shall be transferred:

More detailed description of how funds will be handled and used:

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First of all, thank you for making a proposal :). Could you make the proposal more elaborate? Plan of action?You are leaving so much information out.

Pls refer to others proposal in this forum which was approved to see fullly content that need for a completely proposal then put more information to yours. Btw appreciated your effort to the HNY community.

I would like to see HNY as an ERC20, good idea.

Are you suggesting this or proposing to make this happen?

I wonder if the Omni Bridge devs have something in store for bridging native xDai tokens :thinking:

Honey is an ERC20 already, can someone elaborate where the confusion might have originated from?

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you sure Honey is an erc20 already ? Nope , Honey is on xDai chain, not on erc20 chain

Sorry, but that doesn’t make sense. There is no such thing as an “ERC20 chain”.

ERC20 is a standard interface for a smart contract that defines the minimum functionality for a token, as decided on by the Ethereum community. I know for a fact Honey implements this standard, as do any other token you use on a daily basis.

An ERC20 token can exist on any EVM-compatible chain, so yes, ERC20s exist on xDai, they exist on mainnet, they exist on Rinkeby, Kovan and Göerli. :slight_smile:

Hopefully this clears up some confusion about what an ERC20 is.

If this proposal is about having Honey on mainnet, then this is not really in our hands unfortunately, as the OmniBridge built by the xDai team does not support bridging xDai native tokens to mainnet currently.


Is this maybe a proposal to build the reverse omnibridge to mint a mainnet version of HNY token?
Grasping at straws a bit, but I think this may have been the intention here?

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xDai, Rinkeby, Kovan , Goerli are just testnet , not in mainnet erc20 ( ETH)

ERC20 chain are for tokens launched on ETH mainnet .

There is no such thing as an ERC20 chain. ERC20 is a smart contract interface standard that defines what a token is, see here:

You can deploy an ERC20 on any chain.


Looks like it’s not going to happen very soon :-/

PS: Igor is the project leader of xDai Network

Interoperability is a great thing, that’s the way honey swap is a revolution in terms of making exchange pratically without trans fees…but if honey remain in his house it’s hard people to come on xdai chain, here it is not so much visibility…
I think it would be important a listing of the coin on uniswap and on other exchanges, it would also create request from market…