Everything about 1Hive in one place - newFAQ in development

great stuff guys this helps a lot with newbies


Very useful. Thank you a lot, this makes new users like me understand everything here very easily!


this has changed I think. It’s in #bot-commands now

May i use these informations and type of view, and text, for making video clips?


This wonderful text explains everything in a concise and useful way. But I wish Honey also had a Twitch or YouTube channel and videos about the project would be posted there.

If you can make a clip of the content, it will be great and share it with other members.

Videos here -> 1Hive-101 Beeginner Video Tutorials

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so much has changed this is dated and I can’t edit the original.

Next step in a FAQ is already being discussed. Will find the link to the thread and post it here.

Thankful . The videos were very useful. Honey project does not have a dedicated YouTube page?

Yes we have a dedicated page as well (click here). Some of the other videos like the ones found on the 101 tutorials were made by contributors of the community like my self. Everyone is welcome to make videos and add to the list :slight_smile:

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thank you. I subscribed to the channel. Do you manage this YouTube channel?

Hello hinomono thank you for the sub! I run the D0$HTechTips one independently and there are a few of us behind the 1Hive Youtube channel working as a collaborative.


GLad to be here in 1hive :slight_smile:

Thanks for the extensive post! It was a long ride getting BrightID verified and joining discord, and got verified on discord with an orange id now too! I feel like I’ve made an achievement :laughing:


Thank u so much! very useful for people new here

Hello everyone especially @Eth_Man
This content is very good
It is possible to prepare a motion graphic of this material so that it can all be presented in a poster and based on a time frame.
The audience will understand at a glance the time course and evolution of each

Do not be tired :clap: :clap: :clap:

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What do people think of a prezi or slideshare as an intro into some of this content?

I think for more people to come up with this idea
Thank you for the clips that are about this idea and the texts that are written about it in different groups so that you can find out your mistakes and understand them.

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This guild is awesome thanks