Proposal Information
This Fluid Proposal is to fund the ongoing development, growth, and maintenance of the Gardens platform.
Gardens links:
You can support this proposal in the 1Hive Garden.
Proposal Rationale
Gardens was launched in 2021 as a tool for communities to coordinate around shared resources in a secure, decentralized, and bottom-up fashion. As of February 2023, $1.99 million is stored in the Common Pools of Gardens DAOs, serving as shared funding for these communities.
The Gardens swarm depends on this Fluid Proposal to fund work needed to keep the platform up-and-running smoothly, evolve with the rapidly changing web3 landscape, and achieve our mission which is for gardens to create as much value for the world as possible.
Team Information (For Funding Proposals)
Current active contributors:
Funding Information (For Funding Proposals)
Funding goes to our 4 of 10 signer Gnosis Safe on Gnosis Chain: 0x1B8C7f06F537711A7CAf6770051A43B4F3E69A7e
More detailed description of how funds will be handled and used:
We use Basic Income to compensate contributors to gardens - you can view our hours sheet with payments to contributors here.