Fluid Proposal - Kev active contributor

Fluid Proposal - Kev active contributor

Proposal Information

This proposal is for the upcoming development work for gardens DAO. I will be working with multiple contributors to develop Gardens V2. We are currently still planning out the roadmap for the creation of this V2.

Proposal Rationale

I’ve been a contributor at 1hive since late 2021. I started by joining the Quests development team and developed new features to the Quests smart contracts. We have also completely reworked the UI and have been developing/maintaining ever since.

The funds from the fluid proposal will complement the payment rate for Gardens project and other projects with basic income.

Funds will also be used for maintenance/development on different 1hive projects such as Quests bounty platform, or Honeyswap DEX.

Additional Information

Discord: kafann
Kev Wallet: 0xe1cD9c5ff87C3A65bAc8847e3ce979e2f23eE7f2

1hive development team members



October 2023 EOM Summary

October hours for 1Hive: 14


Hours: 12


  • Work with Gardens swarm on development for v2
  • Designing UML for v2
  • Study Zodiac in beginning of month
  • Study Allo contracts towards the end
  • Weekly team meetings for feedback/ scope rework
  • Meetings with other devs for design/checkout Allo protocol

Next month goal

  • Become more comfortable with Allo protocol
  • Complete v2 design
  • Start integration
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December - January 2024 EOM Summary

December hours for 1Hive: 22
January hours for 1Hive: 15 , 1 week left should end around 25


Hours: 47


  • Work with Gardens swarm on development for v2
  • Studying new CV strategy (Mixed with voting points)
  • Designing /Brainstorm v2 CV
  • Weekly team meetings for feedback/ scope rework
  • Meetings with other devs for design/brainstorm voting points logic
  • Smart contract development (Registry smart contract)
  • Foundry tests for Registry contract
  • Specs meetings
  • Allo meetings

Next month goal

  • Become more comfortable with CV contract mixed with voting points
  • Add decrease/increase power feature for registryContract
  • Create tests for these functions
  • Accelerate gardens v2 development

February-March 2024 EOM Summary

February-March hours for 1Hive: 53


Hours: 53


  • Added point precision for strategies
  • Fixed tests for those contracts
  • Meetings with felipe for new point systems
  • Smart contract work for different point systems (initial)
  • Team meetings
  • Team meetings
  • Added Capped, Unlimited (and) fixed point systems
  • Added deactivation logic for kickMember, point balance tracking for CVStrategy
  • Fixed RegistryTest and CVStrategyTest after contract additions
  • Dev meetings for PointSystem design and development
  • Added new tests for new point systems and increasePower()
  • Conviction testing
  • Added quadratic increase power and decrease power
  • Added quadratic func tests
  • Added fuzz tests
  • Create pools and work on list of fixes like distribute check
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April 2024 EOM Summary

October hours for 1Hive:


Hours: 31


  • Fixed decreasePowerQuadratic
  • Added decreasePower tests
  • Fixed activate after increase Power bug for quadratic system
  • Dev meeting to fix quadratic decimals
  • Tests rework/fix
  • Simplify point system and update point calculation logic
  • Update deploy scripts
  • Update tests after new point system logic
  • Dev meeting with Felipe for new point system + increase power fix for capped system
  • Fixed decreasePowerQuadratic after changes
  • Added tests for decreasePowerQuadratic
  • Small contract fixes/flow cleanup
  • Fix deactivateCaller check and added test
  • PR reviews
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