Forum version upgrade βœ…

Hello bees,

Just to let you know that a few minutes ago, I performed an upgrade on our forum version to discourse 2.7.0.beta5 which includes tons of new features/improvements.

For more details, check this thread!


Nicee! thank you cris, you are the real og


Great!! Excelent update

Super, thanks for caring about the community, these improvements will undoubtedly help for a better experience.

nice. no worries about it being beta?

Thank you for the support

Discourse beta releases are quite reliable, and this version in specific is really near the stable 2.7 release (should come out soon).

Remain true to our original aspiration and work hard with the community to build

thanks for the update and nice work :ok_hand:

seems little but so usefull
thanks to you

Thank you for your good and useful sharing