Fund the ETH/xDai pair with 300 HNY

In order to incentivize new money from mainnet I believe it is critical that we have a healthy ETH/DAI pair on honeyswap. Our goal should be to keep people on the ecosystem for as long as possible before they need to transfer back to mainnet. The ideal situation, of course, is enough projects migrate to xdai people will never have to leave. We should be striving to become the defacto exchange on the xDai network. And to have a better experience than uniswap for all users. Although many HNY holders would prefer to see their HNY pairs funded I believe that this ETH/xDAI pair is critical for the future growth of honeyswap.


Agreed! We can make it happen with a full on proposal.
You can learn how to do so here :honeybee:

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In the mean time, you can use the Omni bridge to move WETH between Ethereum and xDai.

For those that don’t know, this is done to deal with the higher price for WETH on Honeyswap, an issue caused by low liquidity.

Token addresses:
WETH on Ethereum: 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2
WETH on xDai: 0x6A023CCd1ff6F2045C3309768eAd9E68F978f6e1


Made one:

Please help get out the word. I know a lot of people have their HNY locked up with the other pairs so after those are finished will be a good time to push it. Let’s build awareness now though!!!

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Please check out the link I sent ya. To be effective, you need to adhere to that format.

I agree with this proposal, eth/xDai is a very important pool!

I think all pairs need liquidity, people starting looking into honeyswap, just wait for the next eth high fees spike!

If we give out HNY for any pair, people will make a pair just to farm HNY - without much actual trading of the pair taking place.

So, while this may be good for getting liquidity to more pairs, it creates an opportunity for trickery :woman_mage:

The proposal stage allows the community to fine tune the farm reward and weed out the manure coins lol

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I fully support this. WETH/XDAI and WETH/WBTC pairs are absolutely crucial for the continued success of Honeyswap.


it’s the best paying pool atm

This proposal is like the sun after the rain as Pressure said above its crucial for honeyswap.
I fully support this proposal.

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Any news about this one? Looks like the big bees aren’t fully supporting this funding?