I was told it’s possible but I just can’t find where to add a new pair in Honeyswap.
Note: I know how to use Uniswap and created a pool in the past/farmed etc…
- Metamask is on xDai chain
- I have xDAi and my own “Trips os x Dai” which I ported to xDai yesterday https://blockscout.com/poa/xdai/tokens/0x479e32cDFF5F216f93060700C711D1cC8E811a6B/token-transfers
- I go to https://honeyswap.org/#/pool where I see “Add liquidity”, but I don’t see Create New Pair.
- when I paste my token address 0x479e32cDFF5F216f93060700C711D1cC8E811a6B it doesn’t recognize it