Yes, Buy DAI on Binance and transfer it to metamask using Binance Smart Chain (BSC) then swap to xDAI chain
Yep, you can do exactly that as well
But you need Binance to be able to withdraw these to the binance smart chain.
nice job mrt, people were asking for this in help. now we can send them to this. thanks(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
Thanks for the post @mrtdlgc I did it today, but I couldn’t unlock the lock you mentioned in step 3.I guess there wasn’t enough bnb in my wallet.i’ll try next time like this.
Yep, you’ll need some BNB for the transaction to take place on BSC side.
@mrtdlgc I din’t follow your exact path but here is the video to your guide for visual learners
congratulation for this!
This is awesome! So effectively, one could move from BSC to xDAI and then over to ETH through various bridges, without having to trust the Binance Bridge?
Yep, once you bridge over to xDai, you can then buy any token you want on Honeyswap, and then use the Ethereum Omnibridge to move your funds to Mainnet.
Thanks, a very welcome contribution!!
excellent job! thanks for easy-to-apply narration
Tremenda noticia será más fácil depositar en xdai
I don’t know why but those BSC RPC domains are blocked by government in my country making the BSC network can’t accessible in my country except using VPN.
By the way, i want to ask. Is it safe to conduct transactions in metamask using VPN?
It safe I thought. I using it every day
Yep, indeed you can use is with VPN. I also use it everyday
BSC Bridge is the greatest idea ever! No high fees from ETH, really good.
That’s super nice tutorial @mrtdlgc , hopefully we will get more users on honeyswap with this as we progress.
thanks for taking the time to do the tutorial !! very complete
Finish of the ETH gas!! xdai the cheapeast way for cryptos!