Introduce Yourself to 1Hive Thread

Egg yolk what is going on? we got some chico army here welcome brother.

I will disagree with you in this. We’re super early in here.


Hey gang. My name is Jeff. Entreprenuer with experience in marketing and sales. Look forward to plugging in to the community and seeing how I can help. Lots of very smart people with big ideas in this community.

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Hi everyone!

I already posted on the spanish introduction thread but forgot to write about myself here where the majority of the community is :sweat_smile:

My name is Chuy and I’m from Mexico. I first came across HNY because of Honeyswap on the xDai chain but the Honey Faucet kept me coming back every two days. Then my friend @pab who I introduced to the faucet started talking to me about this great community formed by 1hive.

Even though I’m not a programmer nor designer, I love the idea of contributing to the community with cultural activities that get us all closer and get to know new things about the places where we’re from.

I’ll see you all around in this forum and the Discord server. Have fun and go get your Honey! :honeybee: :honey_pot:


Woo we’ve tipped over 100 people in the welcome to 1hive thread, congrats to all of us and welcome to the newcomers :smiley:


Hi everyone!! :honeybee: :honeybee: :honeybee:

My name is viken and I’m from Uruguay like some of the dev team. You can find me on Discord adn Twitter.
I’ve heard of the Hive from @famole
I’m a telecom engineer / sw dev with a strong background on mobile networks and mobile tech in general, but I started getting envolved with blockchain techonology this year. I took some courses from Berkeley University during this year, learning blockchain tech and solidity.
I’m really interested in contributing and developing for this awesome community!!


Hello everyone!
My name is Rodrigo and im from Chile, im in my last years of studying engineering.
I love to learn about the crypto universe in my freetime, im really excited for what the future will bring in this space!
What brought me to 1hive, as it is with most people, was the super low fees, since i used to swap erc20 tokens in Uniswap.
The community and workflow inside 1hive caught my attention, aswell as Honeyswap’s value propsal.
Im super grateful to be part of this project! let me know if i can help you with anything.


my name is Carla and I’m based in Italy.
New to the crypto world and in love with tripscommunity and with decentralized organizations.
Tripscommunity is a real peer-to-peer booking platform started in 2017. I’m a tripscommunity member and an active collaborator. I’m studying 1Hive docs :slight_smile:


Hi everyone! My name is José Domingo, I am from Chile and today is my first day in 1hive, at first I must admit that it was pretty difficult for me to learn about honey, because is something that is totally new for me, but during the day I I have noticed that the way of interaction is quite didactic and pleasant, it has caught my attention how a lot of kind people are there when I have needed help about anything.

I am currently a publicist marketing guy with a mention in social networks, marketing and writing, my intention is to provide creative content that could generate impact and new ideas. I am excited to continue knowing and learning from this community so then in the future I could help to grow and improve on a large scale this project. Great to have this space to introduce myself and tell what I think about this new experience.


Hello Petar we are neighbours by country. Romanian here. :joy:


My name is Vedran, I am from Croatia - EU.
I found out about 1Hive on one of a few Youtube crypto channels that I regularly follow.
I am a crypto enthusiast since 2016 and a blogger ( Discovering new projects in crypto excites me and I found this whole space fascinating.
I am new in 1hive town and I am slowly learning how to navigate around here and where I should go after this.


I bet it was Ivan on tech

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Hello, I mostly post memes on discord, but I have been reading the posts here as well.
Thats pretty much it, lol :ok_hand:t3::fire:


Hi everyone!
I’m Jose and I’m from Mexico, I still have a lot to learn but I’m loving the community so far.


Hello all!

Real Quick… I was compelled to join just so I could make a Wu-Tang Reference lol.
I am a Grad student trying to make my path in the world. I learned about 1Hive by a youtuber that I regularly watch. I am currently located in Florida, I will try to elaborate this introduction later as I am in the middle of a lecture lol. You can message me if you would like to know more


Hi everyone, you can call me Vylett, I am from India. I am a crypto enthusiast. I came across 1Hive when looking for interesting projects on xdai-chain and So far I am learning more things about 1Hive each day and being more amazed than the day before by how awesome it is.


Hey everyone, i think i’ve never introduced myself here, so here i go.
I’m Fabian, I’m from Uruguay. I was referred by @rperez89 to join the community and start contributing with the project.
I found an awesome and cooperative environment that delighted and motivated me to help the community continue growing in any area that i could help.
From technical side I’m a software engineer i spent the last 8 years working in either mobile and frontend apps.
The last year i started to get involved in the blockchain world, taking some courses and testing smart contracts.

That’s pretty much all, see you all in discord!
:raising_hand_man: :honeybee:


Hi everyone, new to crypto (3 months) I found about it through a youtube channel and started to do some digging. A few months later I end up over here with this fine people of this project that is HoneySwap. I worked my way through Coinbase, CoinbasePro and got into some BTC, Ether. Tried to get in to Dexe’s but hit the highest Gas fee’s through Uniswap so looked for an alternative and here I am. I am on the IT field with a few clients under my belt and during iddle times I indulge in to the Digital Currency. I found out about honeyswap through youtube channel of Chico Crypto. Currently I am Yield Farming theDaisies HNY-WXDAI at Honeycomb and looking forward to learn more.

USA-Pacific Time
IT Industry
Newbie at Digital Currency
Refer by Chico Crypto Youtube Channel

:honeybee: :rosette: :tulip: :blossom:


Hello, I’m from Greece, been inside the crypto world for almost 1 year, glad to be par of this great community

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Hi guys,

This is exec from india, I heard about honeyswap from reddit. Honeyswap in turn led me to explore the xdai network.

Quite a great community you guys are developing here :slight_smile:, I have started providing liquidity to a pair and am exploring all the other things honeyswap has to offer.


@exec welcome onboard