Hey all, I hope you are well! I’ve not really been active over the last few days but here we are with another post! So I’m going to get straight to it haha! We need to post on medium.com and typically I need to begin with a structure.
I know we have many information points but medium has millions of users ( Wikipedia says apparently they have 60 million users but I would take that as a grain of salt ) I know we are making efforts across other platforms to host our text/info docs but I am ready to begin with medium.
Tagging subjects to your published articles can grow our audience massively as they have a wide user base!
Seen has there is a lot going with 1Hive and the projects within it I need a base ‘Topic’ to kick start our blogging! Those of you want to comment, make changes etc can join be on the google doc I will be making.
I would like know about the KEY TOPICS we need to writing about first because there is lots going on - so please drop them in the comments below about what I should wrap up first. Any help would be appreciated.
Lets get Buzzy!