Profile Improvement Ideas

1hive’s profile atm

Metagame’s profile atm

We can notice there’s a decent bit of more options in metagame, like github account, twitter account (although in this particular screenshot doesn’t show), also skills.

Then there’s this figma

in which there are many ideas, still not “skills” section, which I personally like about metagame’s.

Not sure if it’s a good analogy but it seems a bit like what polkadot is trying to do/or doing for blockchains, but for identities/profiles.

(A few images from idx’s docs)

I could keep pasting screen-shots but instead you could directly read the documentation.

I would like to finish this post with a few questions, or maybe a request for feedback

What are the main features you would like to see in 1Hive’s Profile?

I’m not sure how close is 1Hive to Metagame, but, would it be an option to integrate these profiles?
Or maybe would be better to just copy what we like the most?

Quick Poll :pray:

What user data would be most valuable to you today?
  • Existing user profiles to ease onboarding
  • Verified social(twitter,github) and crypto (eth, polkadot) accounts
  • Social connections(friends, followers, etc) from other apps
  • Proof of uniqueness (anti-sybil)
  • KYC verifications, credit scores, or other 3rd party reputation services
  • User data from other apps(with consent)
  • Data models, schema, definitions, from other apps
  • Other

0 voters

Lastly an Invitation to study, I’ve been reading (still learning) the docs of Quick Start - Ceramic Developers and Welcome - IDX Developers, if you want to exchange a few messages on it or go to pair programming, just send me a msg on discord to Tonga :honeybee:#3112


Ceramic and IDX is actually the upgrade of 3box… which we are currently using for the profiles on 1hive.
We do have github and twitter links as well on the profile.

I think it might be wise to make that upgrade tho. Eventually integrating with canon and listing other Gardens the user is taking part of would be nice.


I’m voting no and absolutely all of it.
This is crypto.
I’m not the outlier here.

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Making profiles more customizable is a cool idea, but in regards to “valuable user data”, the most valuable piece of information is that a user does not have to reveal his information if he does not want to, and I strongly believe giving users the option to reveal some of it (especially like credit scores etc…) gives in to a nasty trend.

In general, anything that makes my profile more like a world of warcraft profile is gud, anything that makes it like facebook is bed


Its fantastic Ui. Awesome the visual.

I really don’t see like some primary task that we need to upgrade at least for now this section for profiles. We have right now to much devs working on different projects which is gonna be launched by 1hive soon.
All of this for example skills/mail/GitHub and etc… you can place on your profile like luigy present via screenshot above.

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Very cool… BUT don’t dox me bro


Strongly opposed to any sort of KYC or traditional credit scoring model integrated into a public profile. That sounds whack.

But otherwise, definitely a fan of improving the profiles and making them more useful for people to get to know each other and what each others skills and interests are, as that can help collaboration and trust among community members.


It could be cool to have an analytic that shares who are the members closest 10 members based on who they like and respond to and who responds and likes them

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