1hive’s profile atm
Metagame’s profile atm
We can notice there’s a decent bit of more options in metagame, like github account, twitter account (although in this particular screenshot doesn’t show), also skills.
Then there’s this figma
in which there are many ideas, still not “skills” section, which I personally like about metagame’s.
Not sure if it’s a good analogy but it seems a bit like what polkadot is trying to do/or doing for blockchains, but for identities/profiles.
(A few images from idx’s docs)
I could keep pasting screen-shots but instead you could directly read the documentation.
I would like to finish this post with a few questions, or maybe a request for feedback
What are the main features you would like to see in 1Hive’s Profile?
I’m not sure how close is 1Hive to Metagame, but, would it be an option to integrate these profiles?
Or maybe would be better to just copy what we like the most?
Quick Poll
- Existing user profiles to ease onboarding
- Verified social(twitter,github) and crypto (eth, polkadot) accounts
- Social connections(friends, followers, etc) from other apps
- Proof of uniqueness (anti-sybil)
- KYC verifications, credit scores, or other 3rd party reputation services
- User data from other apps(with consent)
- Data models, schema, definitions, from other apps
- Other
0 voters
Lastly an Invitation to study, I’ve been reading (still learning) the docs of Quick Start - Ceramic Developers and Welcome - IDX Developers, if you want to exchange a few messages on it or go to pair programming, just send me a msg on discord to Tonga #3112