Ren/Hny Liquidity

Ren/Hny Liquidity

To add liquidity to honeyswap for ren/hny

Any honeyswap user could have a pool of Ren to swap from

1 week

Find me as Bignug on1hive

Funding Information (For Funding Proposals)



100% will go to honeyswap liquidity pool for Ren/HNY

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Hello bignug, welcome to the 1Hive forums :slight_smile:
Could you be more elaborate on why you would want this farm to be funded? And how did you come to the conclusion of asking 20 HNY?

I think that having Ren available on this exchange would be important, considering wrapping most the coins on here is a big part of it. and I realize 20 hny is much too high after i had already posted lol…

You can always modify your thread. If you make it more professional and explain why you’re thinking its a good idea. People will be more likely to agree with you :)!

Why should the community give you 20 HNY personally instead of sending those funds to the farm directly? That doesn’t make any sense.

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