Rethinking the idea of implementing a lottery for honeyswap users

Hey guys,

Last week arsics made a proposal to introduce a lottery for honeyswap users, as can been seen in the link below:

He entertained the idea of implementing a lottery for everyone who was using the honeyswap platform. The prizes of this lottery would be distributed randomly among all xdai adresses that used the platform. The idea behind the lottery was that it could be a great marketing tool to introduce many more people to the honeyswap platform and our community.

It sounds like a good idea, but some people have rightfully pointed out some flaws with this concept:

  • People could create multiple accounts to make transactions with and improve their chances to win at the lottery.
  • People could try and game the lottery, by making many transactions with very little fees (xdai hurray!)

I would like to use this topic to introduce my take on the lottery, since I think it would be a fun idea to introduce more people to the community:

My idea is that we create a new function in the honeyfaucet, where we let the users choose between either claiming their free honey or to participate in the lottery. When a user chooses either option they will be eligible for the next round of claiming.

When a user chooses to claim their honey, it would work exactly like it does now. When a user chooses the participate in the lottery they won’t get the honey for that round (I guess you can say that the honey forfeited that round would be the fee for your lottery ticket). I propose that the honey would either be returned to the faucet or put into a pool from which the lottery wins are paid, the users’ xdai address can than be sent to a list containing all the other participants. From this list a winner is then randomly chosen. This way the lottery or the faucet can be made more sustainable (forfeited honey is thrown back into the pool).

By using the faucet as the place to get your lottery tickets we eliminate the gaming aspect of the lottery, since people will only be able to join in with one account (they must be using brightid). On the other hand we limit the times people can buy tickets for the lottery to once every two days. This way everyone will have an equal chance to win a prize. Also, people ‘pay’ for the lottery on the one hand, but on the other hand it costs them nothing by forfeiting their free honey. This is the most fair system for lottery fees I could think of.

I think the amount per prize or the frequency a draw is held is dependent on how excited the community is for this topic. I see two ways we could go about with this:

A draw is held on standard dates, every week for example:

  • In this example people will then be able to ‘buy’ 3 tickets for that lottery (as the faucet rewards will be able to be claimed once every two days, 7/2=3.5)

A draw is held when the prize pool reaches a certain amount (more sustainable, but I guess the prizes won’t be that big). The amount of tickets people then are able to ‘buy’ are dependent on how many people are willing to join - people who buy tickets every round will then be more likely to win the price than people who ‘buy’ every other round.

The more frequently the draws are, the smaller the prizes should be, to keep it sustainable.

I think this could be a great idea to get many more people excited to join the 1hive community, let me know what your thoughts are on the subject. With the proposed lottery above I think we could tackle all the problems of the previous proposal.

P.S. don’t ask me to much about the technical aspect behind this proposal/idea, I’m not a programmer ; ) Please correct me if I try to introduce something which won’t be possible to create, thanks!!


Great concept. Lets get some more people to look at this!

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Thanks, and I agree :smiley:

Could we tax the winner by say 20% to save the bee’s whilst we are at it ?


Lottery maybe is better not to be very friquently maybe on 1 month and winner get like 0.3 or 0.5 honey really dont know but 1 hny someone to get its too much.
Something on what I came up is that like you said when user want to decided what to claim honey or enter in lottery system, maybe everyone who enter lottery with that honey is ending in faucet which is creating some sort of topping up faucet automaticlly ( some kind of ecosystem).


You mean that we find an actual charity to save actual bees? Personally I think that would be great, both from a marketing perspective and a social responsibility perspective :honeybee:

Exactly, perhaps we could make it more sustainable this way

Yes, we couldn’t run this thing with the bee’s having such a hard time without helping them in IRL. I say we raise funds and think about how to spend it later. We just ring fence the money for ‘saving the bee’s’ first.

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I really dig this idea of having it done through the faucet. Really limits the amount of gaming possible and gives everyone equal chances. Not sure on what the impact would be if this would be done every two days though. Perhaps every 10 days could be better, also higher payout. But nonetheless, I like the idea!


This is exciting … lottery ha ha awesome

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Great idea and quite well thought out, my only suggestion is that it would be fun to have maybe 1st 2nd and 3rd prizes rather than winner takes all, personally I would find it more fun to have a few chances to win and I would be more likely to enter all my faucet claims


Am all in it will be good PR

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I like this idea, we have discussed similar idea for lottery raffle previously in the discord cafe, I think it’s good thing in a way we can add additional fun and value to the faucet,also people have option whether to join lottery or not.

I like the idea to have 20% allocated in a donation pool or in a shared pool for future projects, and I think small percentage should go back to the common pool as well…