Unlocking Farms

I’m putting up this signaling proposal to determin whether the community would agree to unlock the farms, or at least just unlock everyone on $STAKE based pairs so they can swap it for GNO and enter the auction if they will (which closes in 5 days).

This is the multisig that serves as the Manager, iirc signers there are: @P-x @lkngtn @willjgriff @D0SH and @philogy

I’m initiating the discussion but there’s actually nothing I can particularly do about it, I’d appreciate the signers to keep an eye on the comments and results of the signaling proposal.


Unfortunately unlocking stakes is an all-or-nothing proposition. Unlocking just the $STAKE based stakes isn’t possible.

Fair, so let’s unlock all of them. A reallocation or something wouldn’t hurt us anyways.

I’m open to unlocking the farms, as a signer of the multisig I’ll participate in the unlock if the community agrees to it.

EDIT: Fix formulation

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As @philogy has said, if there’s consensus I’ll follow the interest of the community.

So I guess this won’t happen fast? Because we will miss some COW…

from @MEVprotection on twitter:

[…] airdrop for GNO holders is coming soon! The snapshot will be taken on January 9th.