Why the name Agave? Tequila?

Bueno al ser yo de México lo primero que se me viene ala mente es por el tequila!
de hecho estaba por ahí circulando la teoría loca que es un moneda de las destilerías mexicanas que esta super loco Xd.
Estaría bueno descubrir el por que se escogió tan peculiar planta, el MAGUEY(como se conoce en mexico)

Well, being me from Mexico, the first thing that comes to mind is the tequila!
in fact, the crazy theory was circulating that it is a coin of the Mexican distilleries that this super crazy Xd.
It would be good to discover why such a peculiar plant was chosen, the MAGUEY (as it is known in Mexico)


Simply because it rhymes with AAVE, since you just insert the G, although, it would have been pretty awesome if it was called Tequila and had $TEQ as the token.

But I wouldn’t potentially say that your theory of the coin being connected to a team that works a lot with the Tequila industry is necessarily far off.


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I think also because the farms that were open previously were the names of flowers/plants and agaave was one of them using a similar logo. Now it’s a fork of aave its shortened to agave to be similar to aave but still have that history tied in to honeyswap


Actually, there is AGVC which is Agave Coin that supposedly does this: AgaveCoin price, AGVC price index, chart, and info | CoinGecko

So that theory isn’t as crazy as it sounds. Or maybe it is :slight_smile:

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Actually, the section in 1Hive wiki about Brand Guidelines provides a little bit of hints for the naming of the projects and swarms within 1Hive.

Golden Ratio

We use the golden ratio for the proportions of the logo and in the development of different graphic elements for various reasons:

  • It is present in nature, like all the concepts used in 1Hive (bees, honey, hive, dandelion, etc)

So, the name Agave was chosen as it resemble Aave, but mainly almost every swarm and project gets its name something related to nature. Like we have swarms named Tulip, Flora, Terra, and Buzz.

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