There seem to be a few buckets and the reasons why are different for everyone.
- There are some who jump in from time to time. You see this when price goes up.
- There are those who are always here 24/7 regardless of price.
- Then there are those who are here fairly consistently part time they chit chat, give their ideas and go back to their life.
- Then there are those that just in the background sometimes building sometimes observing sometimes they are talkative.
I fall in the 24/7 camp, I do crypto and have a full time job on the side. I have tried to get involved in multiple DAOs but I find it very difficult to contribute effectively in more than 2-3 projects simultaneously regardless of the hours you put in.
Agave/1hive - I dedicate consistently 5 hrs a day x 7days a week in this space. I put in probably another 4-6hrs intermittently throughout the day 5days a week on top of that. I also work full time.
My recommendation is not to do what I do. I know of about a 12 others who put in 50hrs + a week here, most that do don’t have a second job but some do. The payment they are getting for sustainability is primarily due to bull market, airdrops, early adopters, etc we are still in the early stages of truly making a sustainable competing budget for full time workers globally.