If 1hive decided to use olympusPro to buy some liquidity in exchange for honey at a discount.
The OlympusPro mechanism uses a Dutch Auction style set price for the discount. The user, 1hive in this case, holds full custody of assets being deposited and can remove at any time. 1hive would select the asset it wants exchange for honey at a discount decided by the community. 1hive also decides the length that the honey is vested so you could in theory require a year vested period (released linearly). This of course could result in significant discounts but may also ensure only true long term investors are taking advantage of this, Lastly if 100 HNY is deposited and used by the bond incentive 3.3% or 3.3 HNY goes to Olympus Pro DAO. Learn more here
Olympus Pro is not on xDAI. I had a call with them discussing deploying on xdai and in order for Olympus to prioritize xdai they need ~4 projects deploying at the same time. I think this is possible
- Single Token such as wETH, xDAI, etc
- An LP such as wETH-HNY, wETH-xDAI, USDC-xDAI
- An Interest bearing token from agave such as agWETH
- Other
0 voters
- 50 HNY /mo for 2 month trial
- 100 HNY /mo for 2 month trial
- No don’t do this 0 HNY
- More
0 voters
- default 7 days
- 30 days (we could see large discounts but it might incentivize only holders to buy)
- 120 days (we could see large discounts but it might incentivize only holders to buy)
- Longer (we could see large discounts but it might incentivize only holders to buy)
0 voters