Data Analysis Course

I have been following the discussions in the discord morphosis channel. There are many people interested in doing some kind of course/webinar/training but it seems hard to find the topic and format. I would like to propose starting with an introductory data analysis course in python if there are some people interested. We could discuss the best format for the sessions and I would prepare some content. From that experience we can decide best way to move forward.


I am a complete noob but would be very interested in learning.

Would this course generate revenue for 1Hive, or is it just providing free educational materials to bees (i.e. like a perk)
? Something else?

There have been discussions in discord #morphosis channel about initiatives to provide education. I like the idea but there is no clear way to figure out how to evaluate and compensate the teaching so I decided to just launch offering it for free if there is an interested audience and see how it evolves.


Idea: what if the cost of the course is simply holding a certain amount of HNY while taking the course? Or maybe a certain amount liquidity providing to a pool? That way, coat is just the volatility and learning curve of onboarding. If HNY goes up during the course (as it might), user gets paid to learn.

The ideas brought up are that initially the courses will be subsidized by the DAO at probably a cost of 2 HNY/week/course at current prices (roughly $1k / week). Half of this cost goes to pay the instructor, and half this cost is to be used for supporting materials and work.

In the long term likely the subsidization will be reduced, and students will pay some amount of money. This may start out as a very small sum, maybe around what the faucet rewards are, but may move up toward $100/ month or so depending on the course. Also could possibly gather funds from outside organizations who may be interested in having people take courses for certain skillsets, in exchange they would get skilled workers and have a say in the courses taught. This may start as partnerships with other DAOs.

I imagine in the long term this program could provide inflows to the DAO though, yes.

Also, I am very interested in a data analysis course and would love to take that class.


Interesting concept, I like the idea.

I did Data Science at Uni which covers off a lot of these subjects. But always keen to learn.

How would you deliver the content?

I’ve created an initial version of the course syllabus.
I’ve posted the pdf document in the discord Morphosis channel.
Here’s a jpg image of it.
I’d appreciate your feedback as the content can change to meet the audience’s requirements. This is the basic knowledge I thought could be interesting.



Not sure as to what level you anticpate going into these topics, but I will say almost all of those topics were 6 weeks each at my uni.

Ill check the discord channel to see if there is more detail.

Overall it is good, probably just an intro to data science and analytics may be needed as a primer for those not aware of what the subject is about.