Discord bot ideas

Hey everyone!

This thread will be about discord commands that you want to be implented.
I’m looking to get started on adding new features!

Feed me some idea :honeybee:


Definitely one of the things we have been talking about is to have a way to grab the price of HNY through a command, by for example calling !hny price. Not sure if that is worked on at the moment.


It already has been implemented, it just need to get review and it should be good to go!


we need music, please


New features are always great! :star_struck:

I can suggest a command that shows:

  • current sourcecred score (*EDIT: sorry, didn’t know that it was already implemented today :sweat_smile:)
    for example !hny score or !hny cred

  • current staking APY on chosen HNY pair.
    for example !hny apy WXDAI or !hny apy WETH


i d’ont know if it’s working but sourcecred score is a very good idea

it will be good to the bot say if we are correctly register (xdai adress, discord, discourse etc;…) and register with the bot, because sandpiper do all of it manually

I’d like to get the liquidity and volume on top of the price

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Good idea. Actually, it would be goood if !HNY farm would just pull in the top 10 (?) Farms and displays their APY’s and maybe liquidity.

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That’s even better! ‘!hny farm’ showing current top 10 farms information would be more straightforward and handier to track APY changes and trends.

Great idea - and the expanded idea below to just have !hny farms to show the top 10 is even better. It would be good to have:

  • APY
  • no. of LP pooled
  • Remaining HNY balance for rewards
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I just added this on list!

Do we have a ongoing development for adding xdai address automaticaly when onboarding? I found out in shenanigan channel they already have a command for adding/replacing the xdai for recieving weekly cred gain.
Adding !addaddress command will be great the only difference we have with shenanigan is they don’t have a discourse to link. This will ease sandpiper work a lot.

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Is it possible for us to create a database of articles somewhere and the bot could List the database categories cause I can see that being useful. I am not experienced how programming bots function but i suppose they communicate with a database.

Now my idea is to make certain databases for ex:

  1. 1Hive and Honeyswap articles ( divided into specific categories each one containing articles )

  2. 1hive and Honeyswap buzz ( this would have a database with newest tweets, reddit community posts, news,blogs etc. )

  3. Memes ,maybe displays random meme :slight_smile:

  4. 1hive and Honeyswap videos ( will feature the video tutorials or other kind of videos also structured into categories )

Now that may be too much work i suppose but it cant hurt if we discuss about it. I am willing to help if needed.

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Yea, it’s something that’s being worked on, as we want to include verification on the onboarding process (github through gist files, discourse through a profile public field) as the address itself is useful, but if the accounts are not linked to this address it’s still a lot of work to do.


Glad to hear that it’s WIP, we’re expecting a lot of new member this coming days so I thought it will flood some developers workload if done manually

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I don’t know if that’s relevant but I thought that the !hny price command could also tell the 24H price change.

Something like this:


Price :moneybag:
+13.75% (in green or red when down)

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That’s true, good idea !

@boring877 , suggested to add the current price of HNY to the name of the bot itself

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Would love to see the bot show some information about the common pool inflows and outlfows, particularly the honeyswap platform fees being converted to honey and put back into the common pool.