Fluid Proposal - Felipe Novaes Rocha active contributor

Fluid Proposal - Felipe Novaes Rocha active contributor

Proposal Information

This proposal financially complements the work of Felipe Novaes Rocha at 1Hive for active maintenance and development of our products.

Proposal in Gardens - https://gardensdao.eth.limo/#/xdai/garden/0x8ccbeab14b5ac4a431fffc39f4bec4089020a155/proposal/150

The forum post - Fluid Proposal - Felipe Novaes Rocha active contributor

Proposal Rationale

Felipe have been contributing in multiple projects, in most of them getting compensation through the Basic Income.

The Basic Income have low rate payment when you contribute few hours to the project, so for who is contributing in multiple projects donโ€™t build up enough hours per project to get the fair rate for your services.

Supporting this proposal will allocate a constant stream of HNY for support the sustainable maintenance work of Felipe at all 1Hive projects that need things to be done.

Information (For Funding Proposals)

Felipe Novaes Rocha#2364

Funding Information (For Funding Proposals)

Felipe Wallet: 0x2F9e113434aeBDd70bB99cB6505e1F726C578D6d.

Once a month will be a post with summary of work done in EOM (End of Month) Report format.

With initally 2 report

  • Which advances did we announce last month?
  • What are we currently working on now?

Dec 2022 EOM Report

Which advances did we announce last month?


  • Doing research in Celo, Optimism to expand Gardens and Celeste
  • Research with Connext to be able to Cross chain Gardens
  • Getting in Telegram with Connext to check possibilty Gardens/Celeste be cross-chain


  • Change UI to accept Goerli network
  • Create new memonic and add GoerliETH
  • Added goerli to GitHub - 1Hive/dao-list: This repository has the metadata (assets and information) of each Garden in the Gardens interface.
  • Deployed MiniMeToken HNYT - @Corantin Deployed
  • Added HNYT Liquidity token to Uniswap Pool
  • Find and collected all the necessary contract address to deploy Gardens and Celeste
    • Address collected so far:

      AragonID: '0x7749e4b09ab585d3e9db4c461943e994b809168f',
      DAOFactory: '0x0c514a00401666780fca29d4cd6943085818f049',
      ENS: '0x8cf5a255ed61f403837f040b8d9f052857469273',
      MiniMeFactory: '0x61bce7f119a438eb85b7e78fe980a258adc87291',
      HoneyswapRouter: '0x7a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488d',
      HoneyToken: '0x2d467a24095B262787f58ce97d9B130ce7232B57',
      StableToken: '0xdc31ee1784292379fbb2964b3b9c4124d8f89c60', //DAI
      HoneyPriceOracle: '',
      PriceOracleFactory: '',
      CollateralRequirementUpdaterFactory: '',
      UniswapV2Factory: '0x5c69bee701ef814a2b6a3edd4b1652cb9cc5aa6f',
      UnipoolFactory: '',
      Arbitrator: '0x15ea6e0ab085b8d7d899672f10f213d53ce02150',
      StakingFactory: '',


What are we currently working on now?

  • Added Fleek Co Api instead Pinata (In progress)

  • Create some way to test hardhat-aragon fleek (In progress)

  • Find/Deploy UnipoolFactory and others missing contracts

  • Deploy 3 subgraphs (agreement,gardens,celeste) to GraphNetwork

  • Me and @paul2 In contact with GraphProtocol to get Grant and do the migration all subgraphs


Jan 2023 EOM Report

Which advances did we announce last month?


  • We get Grant from TheGraphProtocol (with help from @paul2) around 100k in GRT with the value of 0.07 USD
    • With possibility get more 50k-150k, dependent of the volume of queries.
  • Configured Guild.XYZ for 1Hive Discord Server

Health Status Price Oracle


  • StakingFactory deployed
  • UniPoolFactory deployed
  • CollateralRequirementUpdaterFactory deployed
  • Changes in the contract repos to made easy to deploy those contracts in the future.
  • Added Liquidity for the PAIR HNYT-DAI
  • Update the PriceOracle and improv the 1hive-monk repo
  • Running service update for PriceOracle and Celeste server.
  • Created Goerli Chainlink Automation for PriceOracle
  • GardensTemplate deployed
  • Gardens Subgraph upgrades AssemblyScript API to 0.0.6
  • Gardens Subgraph deployed in Goerli GraphNetwork
  • Gardens UI finishing config to Goerli Gardens PR Gardens-UI
  • Create PriceOracle to Goerli networking and let running with Monk
  • Fixed PriceOracle CALL_EXCEPTION at Update
  • Redeploy Gardens Subgraph v2.0.0
  • Start support guy lost 100 USD Liquidity creating Gardens
    • createGardensTxOne did run but txTwo and others dont.

More details about Notion: Goerli deployments here


  • Update gardens-connector link subgraph


  • Investing error with Faucet and BrightID integration and API need be upgraded to lastest version.
  • @paul2 and me meeting with Arjun from Connext to talk about Cross chain
  • @Gabi was summoned to that convo in the next turn.
  • @Corantin upgraded Celeste Subgraph


What are we currently working on now?

1 Like

Hello @kamikazebr, quite a productive month!

Could you post the stuff that is done under the gardens swarm umbrella within the gardens fluid proposal, and what you do by your own account in here the next months, please? This way is easier to follow what is being done and how the honey is spent in the different projects.

On top of that, do you know why the link you provide for the honeyswap subgraph is not working for random addresses?

You mean post it there also right? Because that personal fluid its to support what i receive in gardens too.
I can post it there for sure.

About the Honeyswap, i think because i not published it that why its not visible.
One screenshot that.

The problem is: its was deployed using my wallet, i checked with Kyle to understand how handle that.

What iโ€™m thinking to do is redeploy it again with the Safe wallet, but i need test if that will need signers to every time we need open the website.

I think should work normally, but need be tested. That its one thing for the next round to do.

About the next steps i need one meeting to decide what need be done and focused. Because we have a lot things to be done.

What I mean is just the contrary. The two fluid proposals should have differentiated purposes.

You are making most of the technical work in Gardens nowadays, and because you are already receiving remuneration from Gardens, this proposal should not include the Gardens work. Only if you decided to leave the Gardens Swarm but still support Gardens, then that work would be applicable in a fluid proposal that is not Gardens Swarm.

Does it have more sense now?

I made that proposal to complement my payments. like said there

and here

Receiving only by Gardens Swarm do not pay fairly for the work done, becase Basic Income only start getting fair rate when we have a team building togheter, otherwise you will always get the lowest rate possible.

Also the Fluid Proposal dont pay enough for cover all the work i have been done in Gardens plus others swarms.

So because that I include the Gardens work, if I was getting the $50 hour in Gardens Swarm so that will make sense to me, just leave the Fluid Proposal for the others projects and maintence.

Now if we have another way to do that work and make sense to you too, let me know and we can make the necessary changes.

Itโ€™s okay to complement what you receive from Gardens with this proposal. Iโ€™m not talking about that.

I am requesting more clarity on the relation: fluid proposal => what is being made. If you are contributing to both fluid proposals, the work you do in them should be distinguishable one from the other, so token supporters can choose what they are supporting.

As I was proposing, a solution could be not to include in the EOMs of this proposal work done on Gardens, so it is entirely counted in Gardens Swarm.

If you think your work is not paid enough in Gardens, then you can post some of the tasks made here, making it very clear in Gardens EOM what is being paid with Gardens Swarm money and what is not.

Does it have sense to you?

Funding stopped

When the Gardens get rejected, the fund have pratically stopped running at rate 2 HNY per month.

For some reason the Gardens UI dont reflect the current flow, still showing the old values.

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Honeyswap was synced

That got synced 100%


Jun-Jul 2023 EOM Report

Which advances did we announce last month?



What are we currently working on now?

  • Abstain proposal bug in Gardens

Happy to hear some feedback in form of more/less support, comments or direct message.


Iโ€™m currently supporting your proposal. I really appreciate all the work and effort you put into the community! You are often the person I turn to when I have a technical question, and you always seem to know whats up. You are like the technical glue that holds a lot of what we have been working on together.

I dont have much in the way of feedback, but wanted to highlight a couple of instances where you helped me specifically:

  • You helped me sort out the 1Hive services on google cloud and get them running locally, which has saved me a ton in google cloud bills. I was really confused and could not have done it without you. I donโ€™t think you got paid for that directly, but it was never the less very much appreciated.
  • You helped set up the new roles in the discord with guild.xyz, we are still figuring out how to use and onboard people, but this is imo one of the highest leverage things we have done recently.

Thanks so much for that recognition. That touch me and bring more energy to do more for the Hive.


Jul-Ago 2023 EOM Report

Which advances did we announce last month?


  • Marquee to Hackathon convo with @paul2
  • Fixing Guild.xyz roles (not updating Fabio roles)
  • Update the Welcome msg about Guild.xyz in Discord
  • Research about use Guild.xyz + Twitter
  • Marquee in Hackathon
  • Reviewing Identity Crisis 1Hive docs
  • Support user in Honeyswap trying get out liquidity of GNO token
  • Approve and Merge Bug Fix Celeste PR 167
  • Review and approve Fix bad dispute state by Corantin ยท Pull Request #20 ยท 1Hive/celeste-subgraph ยท GitHub
  • Sign Tx of Celeste Subgraph Gardens-Safe id 28
  • Brainstorming contracts integration between Guild.xyz + Streaming proposal


What are we currently working on now?

  • Some fixes in gardens fluid proposal UI
  • Github/pinata decision
  • Help finish new strucuture in discord
  • Marquee project

Happy to hear some feedback in form of more/less support, comments or direct message.

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Sep-Oct 2023 EOM Report

NOTE: September Fluid has stopped


  • Review/write Enforceable Conveants Grants to Safe
  • Supporting the change of structure of 1Hive Discord Servers
  • Help with giving roles and adding to allowlist in Guid.xyz



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Nov 2023 EOM Report

SuperFluid has stopped for 3 weeks from 19/11 until 3/12.


Hours: 38 hours registered, X hours not registered


Hours: 3 hours registered, X hours not registered


  • Supporting @Gossman understand the problem with Celeste withdraw funds

1Hive General

  • Onboarded Fabio back with Support/Mod role to ban spams
  • Supporting the Treasury Management conversation

My efforts will continue to be:

  • Supporting 1Hive Community in Discord
  • Keeping that current services running
  • Design, Write and Deploy GardensV2 in partnership with Allo Protocol.

Also i want take time to improve Marquee project to spread for another communities and have analitics on it to measure the value that project itโ€™s building.


Jan 2024 EOM Report

Gardens v1

Hours: 2 hours registered, X hours not registered

  • Fix the one IPFS down not allow add/remove supporting on proposals.
    • Temporary solution was run a node in AWS in my personal account, in t2 large.
    • Running locally was the first try but my ISP not allow open ports without change my service plan.
    • At time of writing it Superfluid itโ€™s back to down, as the node crash i think because that need be upgrade to t3.large/medium.
    • Did a lot research in several providers free and paid, most know as Infura are migrating they service and not allow new constumer right now.
    • Gonna keep search and increase the AWS capacity and check the prices with my ISP, probably gonna be more cheap than AWS.
    • As complementary solution is redeploy that IPFS but less files, that have than 1k files most free service donโ€™t support, it because the IPFS has the UI from aragon yet, we need a vote on DAO for that change.

Gardens v2

Hours: 53 hours registered, some unknown (X) hours not registered.


Hours: 0 hours registered


Hours: 0 hours registered

1Hive General

Hours: 0 hours registered, X hours not registered

  • Banning spams
  • Ran Honeymaker for collect fees from Honeyswap.
  • Supporting the Treasury Management conversation
  • Announcements about
    • Supports with Guild.xyz problems
    • Security vulnerabities such as Ledger Wallet
  • :honeybee::frog:

My efforts will continue to be:

  • Supporting 1Hive Community in Discord
  • Keeping that current services running
  • Design, Write and Deploy GardensV2 in partnership with Allo Protocol.
  • Follow up the Supporting Subgraphs migration to Arbitrum to lower fees
  • Follow up IPFS problem in GardensV1

Thanks for the support.

Iโ€™m truly honor to be part of 1Hive, learnt a lot here.

PS: BTC ETF approved, WAGMI?

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Dec 2023 EOM Report

Gardens v1

Hours: 11 hours registered, X hours not registered

  • Fix GardensV1 IPFS problem using Pinata paid plan with help from @Paul
  • Support for Frame user canโ€™t connect to it.
  • Support others users to use V1
  • Add support in V1 in Gitcoin
  • Catch werid behaviour on fluid proposal because subgraph not updated correctly.
  • Helping finishing the migration subgraphs, got in Telegram chat for it.

Gardens v2

Hours: 139 hours registered.


Hours: 0 hours registered

  • Convo about update broke links to bridge on it Discord


Hours: 0 hours registered

  • Open discussion about CelesteV2

1Hive General

Hours: 0 hours registered, X hours not registered

My efforts will continue to be:

  • Supporting 1Hive Community in Discord
  • Keeping that current services running
  • Launch GardensV2.
  • Support Treasury Management & Strategies.

Expenses covered

  • AWS EC2 for IPFS: $13

I made mistake, the last its Jan 2024 not Dec 2023

Jan 2024 EOM Report

Fev 2024 EOM Report

Gardens v1

Hours: 10 hours registered, X hours not registered

Gardens v2

Hours: 107 hours registered.


Hours: 0 hours registered


Hours: 0 hours registered

1Hive General

Hours: 0 hours registered, X hours not registered

  • Supporting the Treasury Management conversation
  • Managing 1Hive Calender with meetings
  • Managing 1Hive server.

My efforts will continue to be:

  • Supporting 1Hive Community in Discord
  • Keeping that current services running
  • Keep developing GardensV2.
  • Support Treasury Management & Strategies.
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