Harvest S1 Application - Buzz Swarm

Swarm, working group, or contributor name


Who helped with this application?

mrtdlgc, solarmkd, dosh

Description of value created for 1Hive, 18 May - 18 August, 2022

Although it is quite difficult, if not utterly impossible to quantify the value from work which is qualitative in nature such as communications. We are going to try our best to come up with numbers from our social accounts to give an idea about how Buzz Swarm provided value to 1Hive. During the period of a pretty drastic bear market, these our the analytics from the 1Hive Twitter covering Season 1 thanks @lkngtn:

General Analytics:

Additionally, although it seems like an independent initiative, we consider daoApe as one of our “official” channels because the initiative is run by prominent members of Buzz (armog and mrtdlgc) with a target audience of crypto natives, mainly developers with considerable influence over the cryptosphere. During the period covering this proposal, daoApe covered the Agave hack and its aftermath, and the article was able to get RTs from prominent members of GnosisDAO such as Martin Köppelmann. And here’s the analytics from daoApe twitter:

Additionally, Buzz worked with integrations, specifically Unstoppable Domains login integration during this period. It was a co-marketing opportunity for us and here are the tweets from both sides:

How does Buzz create value for 1Hive and Honey in general?

  • With high level collabs. Finding friendly DAOs/projects to integrate 1Hive apps on top of them or suggesting them to try and use 1Hive apps.Buzz was the first ever low fee bridging solution called xpollinate :slight_smile:
  • Growing our Twitter follower base, producing written and visual content to highlight 1Hive apps. Communicating and educating about 1Hive news,events and products.
  • 1Hive brand recognition.
  • Social curation: a unique way to decentralize content creation
  • Communication in times of catastrophic events such as Honeyswap DNS hijack or HNY becoming non-transferable
  • Highlighting mainly 1Hive products or co-products such as Agave and Gardens, through daoApe, targeting crypto native individuals for engagement
  • Not directly shilling such as “buy HNY”, instead, trying to raise awareness about 1Hive and the value proposition of HNY
  • Working with NFBeez in an attempt to make 1Hive fun again.

Description of work completed 18 May - 18 August, 2022

While Buzz Swarm was initially set up with an agenda to promote 1Hive DAO, its community and related projects, in time, mostly due to the market being generally bearish and lack of interest in communities such as 1Hive, which kind of places itself at the periphery defining the community as activists, the Swarm’s tasks became as inclusive as covering everything related to communications. Hence, it is possible to classify the scope of work undertaken by Buzz into several categories such as internal comms, general outreach and onboarding, collabs & partnerships & integrations, and crisis management.

During the period between 18th of May and 18th of August, Buzz Swarm has worked on the following:

As part of the proposal for the continuation of Buzz Swarm with its operations, considering the general conditions of the market, we have decided to focus on internal communications and high level collaborations mainly because typical shilling would not be in line with 1Hive ethos of building a regenerative economy.

In the period covering 1Hive Harvest Season 1 (Retroactive Funding), for internal communications, Buzz Swarm worked in close cooperation with 1Hive TV as well as utilized both closed and open channels of communication (mainly Discord and Twitter) to keep the community informed about what other valuable Swarms have been developing. To name a few practices for this purpose:

  • Monthly Recaps
  • Communication for the launch of Quests and creating visual content/banners for it
  • Creating awareness about ENS domains after the Domain hijack.
  • Hosting 1Hive Essential Intent calls.
  • NFBeez promotion on socials.

As the purpose of Buzz was agreed among the members of the Swarm to attract contributors to add value instead of extracting it, our general outreach and onboarding practices involved an attempt to use all the channels possible to, in a way, educate other possible contributors. For this, we have done the following:

  • Onboarding calls
  • Creating both fun-to-read and engagement-inducing or even provoking content for crypto natives through daoApe.
  • Attending an event in person to have a better network effect among the Turkish community.

As we have also agreed that high level collaborations, pursuing possible partnerships basically through integrations with the tools of other communities within Web3 to explore opportunities would be a better area to focus on due to the bear market, as Buzz Swarm, we have concentrated our efforts into co-marketing practices. For this, we have done the following:

  • AMA with DeWork.
  • Failed attempt to get HNY listed on Gate due to their high listing fee, which was not feasible for 1Hive.
  • NFBeez gated Hedgey OTC HNY deals and creating visual content/banners.
  • Possible collaboration with Lighthouse.
  • Unstoppable Domains login integration to Honeyswap.
  • Possible integration of Celeste to Gitcoin.
  • Brave wallet integration.
  • Memepalooza with Gitcoin.

Lastly, during this period 1Hive have had to go through two different events (Honeyswap Domain Hijack and HNY rendered non-transferable) which could have been considered catastrophes if not dealt with professionally by the contributors responsible for both communications and development. After we stopped funding both Support and Tulip swarms, which would be mainly responsible in contributing to the resolution of these events, contributors of Buzz Swarm were also active to inform the community about these events and calm down people that parties in charge are working over the clock to solve the problems. For this, we have covered:

  • Honeyswap Domain Hijack reimbursement communication.
  • Provided support to those affected by the Domain Hijack.
  • Created a written content explaining the problem, the solution, and actions taken to prevent something similar in the future (migration to ENS).
  • Promptly informed the users on our open channels such as Twitter, Telegram, and Discord to mitigate the consequences.
  • Individually worked with people who were not reimbursed after the domain hijack to make them whole.

Lastly, as mentioned, as Buzz, we were covering the scope of work which would typically fall under the responsibility of Tulip Swarm. At one point, some LPs were not shown on the frontend and the transactions wouldn’t go through desired routes on Honeyswap as mentioned by Griff here. We worked on solving this issue, trying to find developers to do the work.

Financials - list the following information for the time period 18 May, 2022 to 18 August, 2022

Income and Expenses

We’ve got 200 HNY in july 2022 for our funding proposal that we created in june and requested for the period of may-july 2022 for our work.

We also got so far 2.19 HNY from Superfluid 1hive harvest that it’s not collected yet.

Internal/External Description Income Expense
Internal 1hive funding proposal 200 HNY
Internal 1Hive Harvest 2.19 HNY
Internal Contributor payments may-july 159.42 HNY

Contributor expenses

Contributor Payments this season
Rohekbenitez 22.25 HNY
Dogeking 33.27 HNY
Stonky 14.55 HNY
Solarmkd 36.13 HNY
Mrtdlgc 24.14 HNY
D0sh 8.32 HNY
Zer8 17.68 HNY
Felipe 2.73 HNY

Treasury balance sheet

Network Wallet address Token balance USD balance
Gnosis gno:0x6E5318F562318be37f405539b14f57Dda4cEf3C7 40 HNY 1872 $
Gnosis 0x75A310B8cC14141584E072aF42F108d0C8E0d0CB 18.96 HNY 887 $
Gnosis 0x75A310B8cC14141584E072aF42F108d0C8E0d0CB 213 xdai 213 $
Gnosis Superfluid 2.19 HNY 102 $

Projected expenses in the next 6 months :
Our expenses depend on the time spent and we can’t project them exactly for 6 months but we can estimate around 2500-3000 $ per month based on the spending in the last 3 months so with that we get an estimation of around 15000-18000 $ in the next 6 months.
We are always trying to expand our working group and do more work so therefore we can’t really project our expenses right now.

Gnosis Safe or Wallet address funds will go to

Gnosis safe multisig : 0x6E5318F562318be37f405539b14f57Dda4cEf3C7

Signers : mrtdlgc, solarmkd, Dogeking, rohekbenitez

Plans for how funds will be distributed.

We will distribute the funds via Coordinape.

Link to the proposal on Gardens: Gardens


great job guys @mrtdlgc @solarmkd @D0SH , a proposal for this is already active because clicking the link keeps loading and never shows it to me in gardens!



Yeah, I guess there’s a problem with the subgraph on Gardens.


Thanks so much for writing this MRT! The most important thing is that buzz is still buzzing :honeybee: :honeybee: :honeybee: :honeybee: :honeybee:

Like discussed in this week’s call we will start working on informative marketing campaigns! Gnosis is stronger than ever we all need to remember that 1Hive really succeeded in building a bottoms-up up DAO. That should get more attention :slight_smile: