How to import your pool that doesn't showing up in the liquidity


If you don’t see a pool you joined in your liquidity, follow the below quick guide on how to import it.

  1. Go to here

  2. Click on Import it


  3. Select the tokens pair that you have provided for the liquidity. After selecting the two tokens, immediately or in a few seconds it will show you the pool with a message Pool Found!.


  4. Next just click on the little back arrow in the pooling screen.


  5. Now your pool will show up in Your Liquidity Pool list.


  6. Just click on the pair for your pool information.

    That’s it.

Note: If you staked your LP tokens in, even importing doesn’t show up your pool because the LP tokens temporarily moved to the staking contract, for more info please check Staking mini FAQ - Honeycomb: how to stake and farm tutorial, benefits and risks


Great guide @sp7290 ! ive seen a couple of new bees asking for this in discord.

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Thanks for this great explanation. I was struggling with this exact issue for a couple of hours. After following these steps i could finally enter the LP.

Thanks again :innocent:

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Good explanation @sp7290 and much helpful for the new bee’s. Appreciate the work as well :+1:. Keep it up.


Excellent, thanks! Bookmarked for future reference.

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excellent for explanation

Good work, @sp7290 Siva.

Note that not all coins will be in the list, so if you cannot select them you might need to add them first, by copying and pasting the contract address from

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Thanks Harry, I will add this info.