Idea for an original PFP art project on xDAI based on 1Hive Lore

Hey all, Wanted to update the community. We are having our official first meeting to decide points to make this thing a real project. SUNDAY NOV 7 6PM UTC we will be meeting. I’m not sure exactly where, I will update ASAP but wanted to put the date and time out there. if this interests you at all, please come by and share your opinion.


Thanks for setting it up, you’ve been instrumental in this seriously. Safe to say we could have it on the Cafe voice channel?

yes! SUNDAY NOV 7 6PM UTC in the Cafe voice channel. Everyone is welcome to join and participate

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Hey All good meeting review:
Current standing is this :

@Gigadig1991 :honeybee: - Art already done
@Rohekbenitez :honeybee: - Doing an “Agave” Themed Bee
@ZER8🧠 - What type of Bee?
ana - tentative

@Rohekbenitez :honeybee: (What marketing will be done?_
@ZER8🧠 - reach out to other communities / Cross community collab
@Absolute Unit - twitter /discord - names of project (to be decided - will be presenting options)
buzzswarm – (twitter/ Trivia shoutout)

Project management
@metaverde🐝 - Please let know plans for project management
@ZER8🧠 - Please let me know plans for project management

Drop size not 100% set - Possible sizes is 3,333, 5,000 and 999
To support 1hive / hny - Possible plan is to buy hny for treasury with 50% of profits made on project (make price go up! lol)
Artwork (and this is cool) - A cross community artist collaboration - Template will be used and each artist will come with their style. 1hive, Agave, TEC, xdai punks, xdai Tigers, commons stack, xdai network (currently in progress thanks to Zer8)

Cost: TBD (depending on drop size)

There will be a %(percentage to be discussed) chance to get a free mint (every mint, there will be a chance to get your minting fee back)

Contract will be owned by gnosis safe multisig - Sig holders still in discussion

I will update more as things fall to place. Current time frame for artists is about 2 weeks (or less) for artists that are interested.


Billy thanks so much for taking the lead on this and pushing this forward. I think this meeting was probably the best step in getting this project to a real start! Excited to see how this develops. Was there any discussion on a speculative date for when we plan to do the drop?

Also cross collaboration is a really great to get more variety to the project. I think xDAI tigers are having a xDAI EIP1559 party at decentraland, seeing that a few of us bees have been involved in xDAI tigers… we could collab and see if they would let us have a dedicated booth to give this project a bit more exposure both to devs and artists. Just some thoughts.

Thanks to everyone else that is pushing forward to get this project off the ground!!

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Thank you. current goals are :
Final Art submissions by : November 20th
Ideal Launch: December 7th


These look amazing, I believe that this is the direction this project should take, but with pab as the artistic lead. Remember that these designs are handmade so this will increase the value of the project.


Hey, thanks for feedback. We would love to have Pab contribute. Our goal is to have artists from our friend communities input their style into the template. Any artist is more than welcome to join in. They will get compensated for their work if they complete the required tasks. @ZER8 is currently reaching out to xdai communities. Pab, if you’re out there. Join us. It’s a fun project and really coming together.


comenting just to tag pab lol cc: @pab