I created this infographic for our newbees onboarding our 1hive discord channel, hope it helps and welcome onboard .
I added it to the infographics page of the wiki
Thanks .
Amazing design you have here and nice job. Keep it up
Very well made, would definitely help out new users. Great job!
Nice i really like this good work. What are your thoughts on adding swarms to this? So listing all of them and describing what they are, how to join the channel from the emojis and then what each of the channels entail?
cool! nice
This is very helpful for me you did a great job.
Looks great one comment tho. the celeste font is hard to read not enough contrast between purple and black.
@Cryptonianz I would like to post your infographic on reddit, if it’s ok with you, or you can post it. This will be great info for new people.
Thanks. Both added to Reddit.
Very helpful thanks
that was really helpful…thanks
This infographic is a very useful reference for newcomers and can help them a lot.
It was a great idea, my dear✌️