Retroactive Funding Application: NFBees 🐝

Proposal Link: NFBeez

Swarm, working group, or contributor name


Who helped with this application?

Description of value created for 1Hive, Jan 1 - April 30, 2022

During the time period of January 1 to April 30 2022:
Main points:

  • 800 NFBeez minted over 3k given back to the communities we represent(1K $ given back to 1Hive)
  • over 30 people joined the 1Hive discord server because of the NFBeez
  • over 400 followers on Twitter
  • ** We have created the first open, descentralized, NFT project in web 3 that has the purpose of supporting artists, uniting communities and innovating for the common good.

How do the NFBeez create value for 1Hive and Honey?

  • The NFBeez is the first official NFT collection created by members of 1Hive. Following in the great descentralized footsteps laid by our fauna members, we created an open, fair and descentralized NFT project within the 1Hive community. We didn’t only create a fair mint and equals chance project, but also spawned the first NFT initiative out of 1Hive. We later reached out to a lot of web3 organisations and DAOs. As more people buy NFBees, they also learn about 1Hive and all of it’s tools.

  • The NFBeez is a first level entry gateway for newbies
    Following on the ethos of web3 and descentralization we airdropped over 250 NFBees to members of 1Hive(based on source cred) and to members that joined our Twitter contests. We really wanted to give everyone interesed a fair change in owning a piece of this PFP history before launch.

  • NFBeez increased the brand value of 1Hive.
    Being the first NFT project and also the first visual product created in the 1Hive community, the NFBeez add a lot to 1Hives brand and brand recognition on the internet and IRL. The memetic value of the NFBeez could be difficult to calculate, but it’s there. Our purpose is to become one of the legacy web3 PFP projects.

  • NFBeez further increased the DAO-to-DAO collaborations and brought the 1Hive community very close to Gitcoin(Kudos to @Blazingthirdeye and ZER8 )

  • NFBeez plays along with the other applications/protocols build by 1Hive and adds to the network effect that multiplies the value of work done by 1Hive.
    The NFBeez followed and builded on the ethos on 1Hive even further. We have created the first open, descentralized, NFT project in web 3 that had the purpose of paying artists and uniting communities.

  • The NFBeez can be seen as an entry level DAO for newbies into web3 and is a great onboarding tool for 1Hive and all the communities the NFBeez collaborate with. We created tools to give people an idea on how web3 feels like. You buy and NFBee and you’re automagically part of your first DAO. You can vote on and see what shaping the community you’re part off feels like.

  • NFBeez creates huge visibility for 1Hive. The fact that Twitter is the Metaverse makes Twitter our main communication tool. Everybody who is interested in crypto, NFTs, web3, blockchain uses Twitter… We gained 1083 organic followers in less than 6 months and our engagement rates, impressions and mentions are HUGE.

The NFBeez Twitter is buzzing with activity and our engagement rate is SKY HIGH. Metrics from January 1, 2022 and April 30, 2022:

  • Tweets: 240
  • Tweet Impressions: over 210k
  • 2.0K impressions per day.
  • Profile Visits: over 90k
  • Mentions: over 1200 in four months
  • New Followers: 475

1 Jan- 1 April

Description of work completed Jan 1 - April 30, 2022

  • Build the first NFT project for 1hive - NFTs are used as a promotional tool to promote 1hive
  • Increased the collaborations with our DAO frens: Gitcoin, TEC, Bright ID, Shapeshift, GU_Stakes, xDai Punks
  • Created snapshot voting for community voting via ENS Snapshot
  • Created and managed a incredibly active and health Twitter account that gives 1Hive a lot of added visibility
  • We mention and RT tweets from 1Hive, Gardens, Agave, GU_Stakes on a regular basis(daily)
  • On behalf of the NFBeez ZER8( and with the support of Buzz swarm and billyjitsu) co-hosted Memepalooza VII(a huge event for the Gitcoin and web3 community)
  • We organized multiple promotions that benefited 1Hive, Agave and our closest communities
  • Project managed coordination between promotional events between DAOs and communities
  • Experimented with the creation of a open NFT community and voted on numerous proposals
  • Many side community promotions and marketing - billyjitsu and ZER8 are giving away NFBeez out of their own pockets and marketing 4 free.
  • Twitter spaces hosted by [Billyjitsui].
  • 1Hive TV chats with BillyJitsu and ZER8

Between January 1, 2022 and April 30, 2022, how much funding did you receive?

  • 1Hive Funding Proposals: ~1000$ (gave it all back)

Gnosis Safe or Wallet address funds will go to

Gardens Gnosis Safe:

Plans for how funds will be distributed.

We will save the funds in our multisig and our community will decide on snapshot how the funds will be used. 50% could be added to the treasury, while the other 50% will be used to pay the people that really put in hard work and continue to


One thing that I really like about it the whole project was when 1hive wanted to do some cross promotions for giveaways. They didn’t have to to use HNY to support that… they used the NFBeez which I thought was pretty cool


Yes, kudos to Buzz Swarm for that :slight_smile:
@solarmkd @D0SH @DogeKing are real bees OGs :honeybee: