Updates to SourceCred

The idea is each additional reaction per identity reacting on a message would be worth half of what the previous is worth. Only the first react per person is worth full value. Probably would first sort by reaction weight so itā€™s not order dependent


Not a SourceCred dev, but Iā€™m a member of the SourceCred community that has been in convos with devs discussing social media plugins. Short answer, yes, itā€™s possible. Long answer, not on the immediate roadmap but could be worth prioritizing.

Basically, youā€™d need to create a new plugin for each platform (Twitter, reddit, etc.). This requires a) some design work requiring knowledge of the SourceCred algorithm; to get a sense of this, you can read the docs for the Discourse plugin, which document Cred flows there, and b) requires a decent amount of dev bandwidth, which is currently scarce. Itā€™s open source of course, and anyone is welcome to build it. Just want to set expectations.

Also, my personal 2 HNY is that directly incentivizing ā€˜shillingā€™ can be risky. It may be profitable in the short term, but risks creating a social dynamic that alienates some. That said, I absolutely do think posting about 1Hive and Honeyswap on social media is valuable. Itā€™s the main way projects grow. It helps educate. And IMO the power of SourceCred is that it accurately quantifies value. One potential idea for a workaround in the meantime is creating a #social-media channel where people can post links to their social media posts. If other community members think those posts add value (e.g. got lots of likes on Twitter), they can react with emojis, flowing Cred. This adds a nice layer of review to the process as well. It seems this occurs to some extent already in the #buzz channel, though Iā€™m not as familiar with the current dyamics there or aims of community members focused on marketing.


hi guys
not sure to be in the good thread, by the way i will put my question here

when i do hny mycred on bot, i have see than my number of last is increase of 9 to 22ā€¦
not sure to understand why?
this is will increase my distribution of pollen ? or not


Hello trankil.

1.-That means that your cred has increased since last update, cred=polLen. You may have gotten new likes to your messages, that is probably the reason.
2.- Not exactly. It dependes on your % compared to the rest of the users. If you increase your pollen but the rest of the accounts increase it more than you, you will actually receive less HNY, by contrary if you increase your percentatge more than the rest, you will receive more HNY


santigs, thanks for you answer, but itā€™s the last week number i donā€™t understand
for me last week number should not change before the next week of distribution?

example yesterday i have : Your cred: Total 38 Last week 17
today i have : Total 43 Last week 22

so last week increase ā€¦ or itā€™s a real time check for last week it take the amount at the sametime minus 7 days

It may be moving addition as you mention but @befitsandpiper may be able to have the correct answer.

Thereā€™s currently some sync issues between the way we do distributions/withdrawals and the way its coded in sourcecred, which is why weā€™re switching to distributions on Mondays. This should fix it, if not Iā€™ll have a look at the code.


How much HNY will be distributed in pollen ?

As far as I understood 50 HNY.
25 for all time cred and 25 for current week cred.

@trankil ā€œlast weekā€ is all the cred youā€™ve earned SINCE last week. Itā€™s this weekā€™s new cred. This is important bc HNY is payed out in two functions, 1 for all time cred scores, and 1 for weekly cred scores.


itā€™s now clear for me thanks for explanation !

Version 1.2 expected to be released for Mondayā€™s distribution. Take a look and join the discussion in the pollen channel in discord, or leave a reply about your thoughts :slight_smile:


Noice hahah :smiley: Joke aside
Canā€™t wait to see the new version 1.2 of sourcecred on Monday distribution. :+1:

Can the wording be changed to ā€œSince last weekā€ in the !hny mycred command? That is really unclear. Iā€™ve been thinking it mean last week I had 28, total is 80 , so I must have earned 52 this week.

Since last week would make it MUCH clearer and obviousā€¦


Maybe. But we need improve them

Is there anyway you can see how much honey that cred earnā€™t you recently ?

you can check here


I donā€™t think so. There are many way to speed up community growth

Image is attached now with the percent change in cred from 1.1 to 1.2 for Mondayā€™s distribution. Most users will see an increase in their cred, with a few users seeing a decrease. The following is a snapshot from the top 50 or so source cred scores. The changes in v1.2 are highlighted in the main post.


Thank you for creating this excellent thread, it has helped me a lot for understanding how the pollen system and SourceCred works.