xDai Community Wide Adoption Marketing Campaign Proposal

A Strong Marketing Push Is Not Just Wanted Its NEEDED!

UPDATE View the update section below, if you already read this post.

Why I’m concerned/ Rationale

xDai is getting thrashed in market value compared to competing l2s and need a serious push to survive and stay competitive. This is not just an oversight, this is fact. Look at the rate of BSC & Matic adoption in the last month compared to us when we have just as good tech. Adoption is key and WE NEED to accumulate some fresh market value to continue to stay alive and strong. If we coordinate with the upcoming facelift proposal titled “A new look for xDai” on snapshot, we can show off our new image too.

I’m not an xdai dev but I’m am a deFi dev on the chain so my interest is part of THIS ecosystem and its growth. Adoption = Success. Alone we fail, together we shine. As a community, we have the power to turn sour ass lemons into the best bloody lemonade you ever tasted.

So here’s my proposal:

Pay for a series of press releases on major crypto publishing outlets eg (bitcoin. com, cointelagtaph. com, coindesk. com etc) promoting deFi adoption on the xDai platform. Why deFi? Well it’s why L2 is poping off on other l2 chains and xdai is finally seeing some good projects launch on chain, so we need to shine some light on them and share with outsiders that xDai is a serious contender.

On the xDai Stake side, I pitched they run some direct press releases on the upcoming Facelift and new Consensus model and highlight all the new projects coming and have freshly arrived.

On the Defi Dev side, we can have each participating project run their own story/product then include a strong segment about xDai and what makes its special and why we’ve chosen this chain over others. And then of course write these articles, fund the advertising for them, and drip them out the upcoming month as a collective proof and push of new xDai adoption. Agve would be a perfect candidate for this!

Funding Problem/Solution

Now listen, I can’t pay for 20 consecutive publishings myself so I’m going to need other project leads to step up and join the effort. You would be expected to write your exposé of your xDai related app promoting any aspect about it you’d like and ( I can help with connecting you to the publisher based on your budget ) and pay for the majority of your budget if not all of it yourself or help promote and fundraise a global budget (View below for my idea on that)

I will gladly kick off the effort since I’m launching a new deFi project next week called Rare Coin, which allows anyone to claim some RARE for free and then stake it to earn more. However, alone its just one project promoting their work, together it’s adding global exposure to the xDai network & 1hive collectively our combined reach can REALLY make a big impact on adoption and put xDai & honeyswap on the map!!

This will be a community-wide effort! None devs can contribute in the following way

  1. Share each article that gets published on socials. This will spread reach and exposure to every bit we have access too!
  2. Support each deFi project that joins the cause, by checking out their offerings, endorsing them, and if you like them, investing in their project.
  3. Donate directly to the campaign to help pay for the press costs (implement if enough interest more info below)

Raising Capital Collectively

IF we have enough interest in this proposal, I will create a simple smart contract that will help pay for each participating project’s advertising costs that joins the effort and as a reward, projects can even supply some of their coins or stake back to the user as a thank you for their donation. If we have an NFT partnership, perhaps they can award a limited edition NFT for their donation.

We could optionally set it up like a Kickstarter. Once we have our final participating project count, I can get a final quote back from the publishers and we can set an appropriate goal, then if we don’t hit it, it gets refunded to the user.

Timeline & Execution Plan

I will be reaching out to xDai devs I personally I know to see if there is any interest in this and I’ll also be Reposting this all around the community (xDai POA thred, xDai telegram, project-related discord) Once I get a number of participating projects commits who would like sponsorship, we can discuss budget and how much funding we will need and if we can qualify for bulk discount.

For example, it costs roughly $1500 cheaper end and up to $4000 per article depending on which publisher you choose. But if we have enough commits (curtain publishers offer bulk discounts), eg with Cointelegraph each story can be reduced from 4k per to 2.5k each with 10 parties commited. From there, you can choose to self-fund or collaborate in a global funding campain eg: we can create a contract and start raising capital within each of our communities. During this time you can chose to self-fund or promote and participate to the globe funding campaign and solidify the story you would like published. Then we just drip them out one by one the following month. I can help coordinate publishing connections and release dates so we can have a good spread of marketing throughout the month.

It will most likely take about a month to drum up enough interest just to get project lead commits, create the contract and finalize the budgets, And then a month to drip them out. I would love to have the first stories rolled out next in April!

##So here’s what to do next!

• If you are admin please, Pin this post :pray:
• If you are just a reader, reply with :heart:
• If you are a xDai product manager, leave a message below and reach out to me directly on telegram @rarify and let me know if you would like to commit your project to a placement with the number of placements you would like & if you want to go self-funded or collab on a funding campaign. From there I can start coordinating stories and lock in some deals with the press.

Either way, I’m not sitting back and just hoping for change. To be clear I will be launching some articles regardless if anyone else joins the party. So stand up with me and Let’s show other chains we are a real collective powerhouse and get involved, its a win-win for all!!

Let me know in the comment section if you have any other suggestions. ALSO if you found an xDai related story leave it in the comments below!


I will be updating a list by the end of the week of quotes from a variety of publishers. Here is what I have so far…

  • Bitcoin,com | Single Article $1500
  • Bitcoinist | Waiting Qoutes
  • Newsbtc | Single Article $799
  • Decrypt | Waiting Qoutes
  • Cointelegraph | Single Article $4g, 3x Articles Bulk Discount $9.7g (3.2k each), 10x Articles Bulk Discount (2.5k each) <= this may be an option if we can partner with enough projects

Committed Projects List

  • RARE COIN : Self Funded | 2 Articles | budget $1500-3000 | eta release 1-2 weeks

Released Articles List

  • A dark horse in the Ethereum scaling wars? Chainlink’s oracles find fertile ground on xDai cointelegraph,com/news/a-dark-horse-in-the-ethereum-scaling-wars-chainlink-s-oracles-find-fertile-ground-on-xdai
  • All you can eat: SushiSwap deploys contracts on five new networks: cointelegraph,com/news/all-
  • Rare Crypto Faucet and DeFi Apps Launch on xDai Chain: you-can-eat-sushiswap-deploys-contracts-on-five-new-networks

Hi, your design can be considered as a way to expand the xdi community, which with the introduction of binance smart chain that provides users to convert xdi to di at the lowest bridge rate, can be an interesting way to expand, but it needs support. In my opinion, for a better conclusion, a vote should be held in this regard, and the criticisms and suggestions of users, which are the main thing for the prosperity of the network, should be received, and we should try to create publications and posters to attract capital by carefully summarizing.


Looks like we’ve already started!!


This movement for xDAI is something that is strongly on the agenda of several DEFI projects. But it is not seen as a definitive move. In general, there is the idea that the xDai network is still too centralized to provide large projects.

And this solution is to be a paleative alternative of rapid execution, while Ethereum is still in the impasse of scalability and other ecosystems such as Polkadot and Cardano are still in the maturation phase.

About the migration to the Biance network … No comments.

About this image of xDai, I hope it will be quickly reversed. I just believe in plurality for cryptospace :muscle:


I think you summed up the overall image of xDai from a big project dev perspective spot on :crossed_fingers:. However, from the perspective of the standard Defi User, aka someone who trades on uniswap or sushi, they could care less what network its on, they just want something they can make money with.

So these are the users we need to attract with this campaign. Its a horse race to gain marketshare & liquidity as fast as possible. After all, its these traders who are going to move the prices and they are hungry looking for the next opportunity, i believe xDai is this massively undervalued project, because once people start coming in, the big projects will change their mind and go where the people are.

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I’m a little confused about this post.

1Hive is a DAO on xDai.
As far as I know we have no “market value”.

I appreciate your enthusiasm.
Please read about the project on our wiki.
:honeybee: :honeybee: :honeybee:


is good 1Hive is a DAO on xDai.
As far as I know we have no “market value”.

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Sorry for the confusion, im not talking about the 1hive dao, im talking about the xDai blockchain. 1hive is a doa creating apps on xdai, therefore the main context to this proposal is in hopes for project creators on xDai to band together to premote our services and the underling technology xDai for wider marketshare adoption. For example for 1hive want might want to write a article about honeyswap and the agave launch and then tie in xDai to help user adoption.

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Do you have a project on xdai that you’d like to talk about?
I think it’s exciting so many people are finding 1Hive and also learning about developing on xdai chain.
Affordable Ethereum development opportunities!


Well for me I will be running a few articles about our Rare Coin project launching next week on the xDai chain! In a nutshell its a free crypto faucet & yield farming app. Another cool fact is 100% of the supply is distributed for free through the faucet. On our website you will find a link to a Medium post with a full break down of the project and its tokenomics

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I completely agree with this @pauly. I think other L2s like you mentioned have taken the opportunity when its ripe (i.e ETH fee costs and congestion in network) and used it to their maximum advantage. I can’t believe that in the crypto space people and projects are flocking to BSC rather than other decentralised solutions like xDAI chain and 1Hive. In part though from my experience as a new user on xDAI and 1Hive what i find are some pain points

  1. I think to grow the community and keep it more inclusive than main net, we need better ways to onboard users directly from existing exchanges. It is painful to pay for gas even if its a once off to bridge existing DAI to xDAI and then get involved in 1HIVE and other projects.
  2. I think part of 1Hive we need more DeFI projects with creative thinking that leverage the fast and cheap xDAI chain and seek opportunities on the main net by aggregating funds and saving on tx and fee costs. Thus we may not have to bring liquidity here but use the existing infrastructure but for service solutions on xDAI that are more inclusive to small scale investors.

I guess that is reason why I have my CT feed peppering me with BSC and other L2 chain references and not xDAI even though it looks like we have something really cool happening here in this community.

Hope we can all get this together and DEVs like you continue to develop and choose xDAI for your ventures. By the way read about the Rare coin project of yours and sounds super cool. Looking forward to participate and see how it develops.


@project_uwb You are right on, with both points but there is a light for both.

  1. As for point 1, there are now 4 bridged and 1 fiat ramp, so that’s major progress
  1. We are now seeing growth in the defi community with these great apps and more!

**UPDATE: If you are a xDai product manager, leave a message below and reach out to me directly on telegram @rarify and let me know if you would like to commit your project to a placement with the number of placements you would like & if you want to go self-funded or collab on a funding campaign. From there I can start coordinating stories and lock in some deals with the press. (FOR SELF FUNDED OPTION) please view the qoutes listed above! I will update as I get new quotes.


But there is an issue that seems to me to be problematic. Which is a UX task. From the Metamask Wallet. By default it throws you to an Ethereum network. And this is something that the average user is confused about. Because to operate on an Exchange XDAI you have to re-mark the menu for the correct network option. For people who are used to it, it seems like little. But to reach a wider audience this is a real obstacle. This is something I have been thinking about a lot. And I would like to see how Sushi, for example, will do in terms of usability to promote this multiconectivity. If they get a good UX design there is a good chance that it will become a standard, which also benefits other operations like HoneySwap.

You are absolutely right about this undervaluation of xDAI. It is the most viable option in the short term. That’s why I’m here. Trying to better understand how HoneySwap works. For me it is a reference project within this environment. And the whole market can learn a lot from it. Especially in relation to Governance and Tokenomics. We have a very strong and passionate community here. I have no doubt about that. But there is a challenge that is to spread the message efficiently as if it were a counterattack against attempts to withdraw liquidity. And in this regard, a project like HoneySwap appeals more to the heart, than trying to sell only the efficiency of xDAI. With the entry of other DEFIs on the network this will become common to all.


Luckly this is changing too. https://consensys.net/blog/metamask/connect-users-to-layer-2-networks-with-the-metamask-custom-networks-api/


Excellent news! I won my day … :mushroom:


Hey Pauly, we are planning big marketing push , so far we had social media campaigns on twitter but nothing too big, just warming up for the prime time and giving some time for the projects to get prepared and tweaked so we can be confident on the direction we are heading to. I like the articles idea and we can get back to you with some additional ideas we have in mind on the Discord Buzz Marketing calls. You are welcome to join 1hive Discord so we could have some discussions together about marketing.

Not sure if you are aware of all the the projects, would be nice if we can discuss more about this to collab with your defi project and share some ideas.

Wow,we were waiting for this an eternity , hopefully they do add easy to change L2, we were bugging them a lot to add xdai.

Stoked for the launch of your project and would be cool if you inform us about the progress.