Best xdai wallet (cardstack - cardpay)

excellent, wait for the release that card could be just as useful as uphold or payoneer

It is very good and great. We are waiting for the start of this project and we hope that many people will welcome this project. Thanks

I am fan of Metamask!

How is it the best??

metamask is really good, I share your ideology

In my opinion Metamask, you can use it between your computer or ut phone (it has app).

Yes,i use metamask myself since the begining
But i asked how this cardstack can be the best xdai wallet

Have you test Minerva wallet?

I have wrote an article in the forum:

Most people find it confusing to use metamask. Especially like using a bridge to switch to the xdai network …

Cardpay will be a useful application. I believe it will empower projects on xdai.

You can transfer tokens to the xdai network in a few clicks and connect to honeyswap with a single click.

I guess the application will be released within 30 days.

and are they going to have an airdrop? for its launch, they should to do it to be able to attract more people in the project

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Like Minerva?? :stuck_out_tongue: It was too good.

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thank for informing
can’t wait to see that coming

hey @misantropist
Not published yet?
Personally, I have a special interest in MetaMask, but I also like working with different wallets
:money_with_wings: :honey_pot: :honeybee:

How does this wallet work and how can we use it? I mean, what are the benefits of this wallet? I am eager to know Rajab so that I can use it

Alphawallet is better

I will test that app!

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Aun somos pequeños , pero en un futuro seguro existira que brinde saltos rapidos entre diferentes cadenas, me resulta facinante la construccion de diferentes comunidades en diferentes espacios estamos en el 2009 comparado la ruta de blockchain.

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Trustwallet may have integration. I think is the best phone app but dont have xDai network.

trushwallet is excellent, although the truth is I manage everything with 1hive from my metamask and so far it is doing very well

It would be interesting to know if that cardpay would be available in Colombia, do they have any data or is it just an app!
@misantropist @Kaselol

Mttamask is sooo slow in phone