Contract Verification Party

Some 1hive / aragon contracts are not verified yet on xDAI, so Sunbird Swarm :peacock: is organizing a party to mitigate this problem! This will have the form of a work session in which we are going to be validating the contracts on blockscout. We are meeting this week (help us select the best moment). Let’s make Vincent happy!

These are the contracts we are going to focus during the session. If you think we are missing something important please comment in this same thread.


  • :eagle:: Aragon templates (example)
  • :blossom:: Dandelion template (example)
  • :man_farmer:: Old gardens template (example)
  • :sunflower:: New gardens template (example)
  • :white_check_mark:: Verified
  • :x:: Not verified yet
  • :question:: Unknown

Aragon Apps

1Hive Apps

Other requested contracts



Hey … newbee here and unsure what it means or takes to do a ‘Contract Verification’ but i am always up for learning something new. Hope i can join in even if just to be an audience!! Is this meet on Discord voice channel?

For sure! You can come and hangout in any Discord meetings and get to know the community better :slight_smile:

Great initiative, looking forward to it. Are we ready to schedule the day of the event?

Yes, there is a good spot in which we can be validating contracts on Thursday 8th from 16:00 to 18:00 UTC. Confirmed attendants: @gabi, @paulo, @chuygarcia92, and @sem.

I’m sorry @project_uwb, there was not a date that could fit everyone, but you can join at any other time.

For those who can come, let’s smash those unverified contracts!


All good bud, yea my part of the world that is an ungodly hour. So unless I am up really late into the night, I will probably miss this one. I guess there will always be another if i hang around long enough at 1Hive!

Smart Contracts 2 weeks after the Verification Party


  • :eagle:: Aragon templates (example)
  • :blossom:: Dandelion template (example)
  • :man_farmer:: Old gardens template (example)
  • :sunflower:: New gardens template (example)
  • :white_check_mark:: Verified / Pinned
  • :x:: Not verified yet / Unreachable
  • :question:: Unknown

Aragon Apps

1Hive Apps

Other contracts

Aragon Bases

Core Apps



Aragon ID

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Thank you!!! Amazing navigational post.

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