Honey Pot and Celeste Synchronised QA Party!

To reliably test the new Honey Pot integrated with Celeste requires many participants available at the same time. We are going to schedule a 2 hour period (it may only take 1 hour but to be safe I suggest ensuring you’re available to run over) to meet in an audio chat in Discord to coordinate live testing of the Honey Pot with Celeste. We will deploy an unused version with 5 minute Celeste term lengths which will allow us to test the full flow together at a much faster speed than the production version which will have 8 hour term lengths.

At the start of the session we will send everyone who joins Rinkeby Honey. Your account will need to be BrightId verified, contain have Rinkeby Ethereum to make transactions collcetable from here and you will need to be prepared to share any issues you see.

Anyone interested please put the time you’re available on this sheet and we will pick the most popular time that the devs are also available at. We will then announce the finalised time in Discord. If you’re interested in joining please make sure you can stay for the duration of the testing period.

EDIT: I updated the sheet to remove Monday and include Thursday instead, we could do with some time to fix some bugs first. I’ve re-added the availability of those who already filled it in.


Great idea! I’ll be there :sun_with_face:


100% love this idea! I am still not crystal clear on how the system works from end to end, so I think this will help clear things up. I also love hanging out in the voice chat with you folks in general, so that’s an added bonus.

This is great. I was struggling to get ask for active keepers when raising issues to Celeste in the previous test environment. Would definitely try to contribute if its within a reasonable time for my timezone. Thanks for organising this!

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@willjgriff I’m not clear what you mean by “join rinkeby”?
Connect an address to their faucet via social?

Thank you.

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It just means to go to that faucet and deposit some reth into you wallet on the Rinkeby testnet. You have to createa twiitter post or facebook (is that still around?) and post the link to that post for it to work


Sounds fun, the time slots available are 1am til 8am for me in my time zone hah but I am happy to get up at 530am and help out before work

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I can help with that

already put my schedule on the sheet, looking forward

@willjgriff sorry i must have missed an announcement or notification. So when is the QA party then? Could you confirm. thanks.

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It’s not confirmed yet, we’ll announce in the Discord when it will be once the current set of bugs are fixed. It could be tomorrow, Thursday or even later than that.


Can you please announce it here as well
I am following this thread, and things can get lost in conversation on Discord sometimes. Thanks :pray:t4:


This sounds great, looking forward to final times.

We’re scheduling this for tomorrow at 6pm UTC. Meet in the Cafe channel on Discord and we’ll go through all the steps!


Thanks @willjgriff, Just to be sure for anyone around the world 
 this is 17/03 - 18:00 UTC time. Hope this is correct! Thanks.

Hey, how long do you think this will run for? 6am my time so i’ll try hop on before work

In the announcement on Discord @willjgriff mentioned that it shouldn’t take longer than 2 hours.

Thanks for the update. I should be there later today.

For those that missed the party here is the recorded video :


part 2 of the QA party : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HlyQ9sajM3NyvQOy2WDCVebd3mBlWmyE/view?usp=sharing


I cant vote propossals in the plataform