Seeds are voting as follows:
- Vote 18 - No
- Vote 19 - Yes
- Vote 20 - Yes
- Vote 21 - Yes
Vote 18 is to be ignored (voted down)
Console commands to add finance app to aragon dao. The console commands needed to be tested Vote 20 they were tested
Vote 19 - Revest Greenhornets Tokens
A yes vote means greenhornets orginal agave seed tokens will but put back into a token manager releasing the tokens at the same vesting rate as the other seed members. This was needed because he wanted to move his agave to a different address.
For more details read vote 2
A no vote means greenhornet has no access to any of his tokens.
Vote 20 - Aproves LP to be spent (converts Agve-Weth into Agave-Hny)
A yes vote means you approve converting agve-weth LP into agve-hny LP held by agave aragon dao. This is done by slowly removing and swapping the agve-weth LP for agve-hny. This also was per the original agreement agave had with 1hive. The proposal is an attempt to make this right by honoring the original proposal and putting things back as originally intended.
For details please read this informational weth to hny drip contract proposal.
The contract has been written and is complete all that is needed is to approve the drip contracts swapping of the LP tokens because these LP tokens are held in the agave dao it needs a vote to approve the swapping of these tokens
A no vote means the the agave dao goes against the original agreement with 1hive and does not convert any of the agve-weth LP.
Vote 21 Add finance app to aragon DAO
Console commands to add finance app to aragon dao.
Agave Aragon DAO
Also, if you are having troubles loading aragon dao connect wallet first and then it should load votes in about 1 minute.