Hi Bees,
Welcome to 1 Hive’s August Monthly Recap. Our Swarms have quite some exciting news to share with the community!
Feel free to check the previous Recaps here: Recap July 2021 / Recap June 2021 / Recap May 2021 / Recap Mar22nd - Apri25th / Recap Feb9th - Mar21st
As always, special thanks to the contributors: @Escanor (Support), @sacha (Gardens), @D0SH (Buzz), @MrClottom (Celeste), @metaverde (Alvin - Beezu - Tulip), @erminio (Hivecraft), @chuygarcia92 (Commons), @pab (Canon).
Swarms Monthly Recap
Gardens Swarm:
Working hard on UX improvements before BrightID launch, scheduled on September 9th.
Garden Wizard is almost ready.
Lots of inbound interest. Will switch focus to onboarding after BrightID launch.
Useful links:
Issues we’ve addressed: gardens repository (closed issues)
Issues remaining: gardens repository (open issues)
Gardens workspace: zenhub 1
Commons Swarm:
- We have released documentation on how to install the Augmented Bonding Curve in any Aragon or Gardens DAO. It’s only available on Rinkeby for now, but we will publish it on xDAI mainnet as soon as the code is sufficiently reviewed.
- We also have released the alpha version of EVMcrispr. It’s still not completely functional and there are not so many examples, but we’re very excited for the potential its current version shows. Praise to paulo for these updates!
- EVMcrispr is a tool that allows a DAO’s DNA to be changed. It will be used to change parameters in DAOs if the community finds this convenient. It also can be used to completely reshape a DAO as we are going to do with the Commons Upgrade.
- Agave already adopted EVMCrispr to encode the votes they perform in their DAO. In a soon-to-be-published article we will expose some of these examples.
- Gardens is also going to include an EVMcrispr command language (evmcl) console for each Garden in order to perform changes in the DAOs.
Useful links:
- Commons Swarm weekly updates thread
- Are you a hatcher? We have another POAP for you
- It’s Params September! Stay in the loop in the TEC social media to learn more about the parameters we will be voting on for the Commons Upgrade.
Pollen Swarm:
More info from Pollen Swarm in the upcoming Monthly Recaps.
Useful links:
Support Swarm:
Our goals:
- To help with onboarding & troubleshooting.
- Highly active team (high accountability no work = no pay)
- Develop community people trained (group of 4 to consult with each other)
- Facilitator role; he will supervise, review the analytics, and pay the correct amount of HNY to the supporters.
- Keeping the Wiki updated.
Senior Supporter:
- Escanor
A new proposal is on the way
More info from Support Swarm in the upcoming Monthly Recaps
Terra Swarm:
As this month there was less documentation produced, Terra’s work was not very busy lately. However, we have translated the July Monthly Recap.
On August 6th we had a call to decide further ways to improve and smoothen the onboarding process of new communities, as we strongly believe that a translated documentation can help new users to feel more at home in 1Hive. In this call we have underlined a few key points:
- Update the wiki page (in every language)
- Taking on the Welcome Bounty / Redesign The Bounty
- Support Channel in different languages
Our 1hive Twitter account in different languages is growing and we are working closely with Buzz and with 1Hive designers in order to create original and eye-catching content.
In the next month our work will be focused on working on the Wiki Page, as we have already selected the material that needs to be updated.
Useful Links:
Agave Swarm:
Agave’s development proceeded as always, with some major news. Since the middle of August, besides the liquidation bot, core-wise the platform was ready and there were only minor things to fix/improve, frontend-wise.
Our Weekly updates #16, #17, #18, #19 are our latest updates to the community.
In the Weekly update #19 We have announced our 2nd AMA, which took place on Tuesday 31st August, at 19.00 UTC on our Discord Server. At this event, which received a warm reaction from our community, we announced that the Agave Platform would be launching on September 1st at agave.finance.
We also announced that the NFT app is in Rinkeby testing, and our Gardens DAO implementation is only a few steps away from being live.
Stay tuned for many interesting news coming in the next few weeks!
Useful links:
- Gardens DAO Testing 1
- Agave Bounty Board 1 (Subject to Changes)
- June Weekly Updates #9 - #10 - #11 - #12
- May Weekly Updates #5 1, #6, #7, #8
- Previous Agave Weekly Update #1, #2, #3
- Agave votes, May 2021
Morphosis Swarm:
More info from Morphosis Swarm in the upcoming Monthly Recaps.
Useful links:
Celeste Swarm:
This month the Celeste swarm has completed creating and documenting a new library that should help boost the adoption of Celeste. This npm package helps developers to easily leverage Celeste with an easy contract API. To check it out simply go the Developers > Documentation section of the gitbook documentation.
A new component to Celeste has also been added: the Celeste Manifest. The Manifest helps keep track of representatives. Similar to lawyers Celeste representatives are determined by other users to submit evidence on their behalf for disputes. As Celeste gains adoption and more valuable disputes are conducted, we anticipate the creation of a “Celeste lawyer” niche: freelancers that specialize in argumentation, evidence gathering and Celeste precedent in order to better argue disputes. While the new Manifest is only opt-in it nevertheless provides a sensible standard for tracking representatives.
Useful Links:
- 1Hive.org
- Celeste
- Celeste Documentation
- Disputed and cancelled 1hive.org proposal 1
- 10 HNY deposit for Celeste rewards
Buzz Swarm:
After a successful funding campaign for the month of August BuzzDAO was able to tick off most of what was set out in the proposal with some funding left over to accomplish the remaining tasks.
5 community bounties including Defiwalk youtube video covering Honeycomb
1Hive media sub-DAO setup led by Twells which in turn introduced 1HiveTV - Pilot episode as well as 1Hive Trivia
Our awesome newsletter by Paul2
As for the PR/Bizzdev department of Buzz we have been working on trying to integrate more communities that align with 1Hive and the comb ecosystem. These communities so far include Surf Finance, ELK Finance and we have a few more coming! Furthermore Buzz was able to help move along the treasury swarm discussion by integrating Hedgey Finance within the 1Hive ecosystem, read more about their proposal here. And last but not least we have had some back and forth with the Connext team to be included in the V2 version of xPollinate which includes adding Honeyswap as one of the aggregators in the main swapper.
Bonus Content: Check out Solarmkd Monstrosity Paul2 present 1hive to Shapeshift community here
Useful Links:
- Buzz Dao Proposal #3 Forum Post
- Buzz Dao Proposal #3
- List of Active Bounties
- Buzz Dao Bounty Board
- Buzz
Quests Swarm:
More info from Quests Swarm in the upcoming Monthly Recaps.
Useful links:
Canon Project:
The past couple of weeks the Canon team has continued to focus on the production of the artworks for the NFTs that will comprise the Genesis Collection. A proposal was made on the Honeypot to pay for some of the work done in the past by two of the most active contributors on the art side of things - you can read about it here. There’s also an active discussion topic in the forum regarding bounty payments/tokenomics for the NFTs around work regarding the Genesis Collection. On another note, there are Genesis Collection Working Group Sessions being held every saturday at 8pm UTC in the Canon discord server - during these we go through the work being done and any questions or topics for discussion that may arise on the forum posts each week or during that same meeting, mainly a kind of check-in for contributors involved in art aspects of the project. You can find the event for these meetings in the 1Hive Google Calendar
Useful links:
Hivecraft is BACK!
Hivecraft is back online! The new IP is: hivecraft.mcpro.io The version of minecraft to play is 1.17 or 1.17.1
We have made lots of progress making the way to link your xdai wallet with minecraft.
We’ve made a minecraft command that opens you a web3 page in your browser where you connect your xdai wallet and automatically writes it along with your minecraft username in an api. Also writes some other values such as your hny balance and also your Honey Plot Nft balance. This system, besides accomplishing many things and opening a lot of possibilities to explore for a minecraft server running with crypto, will now allow us to release a full version of the Honey Plot Nft for people to buy it and enjoy it on the server.
We are still working on this, but with this done we are announcing a second round of airdropped Honey Plots. We will announce it via the Hivecraft discord and the Hivecraft discord channel in 1Hive.
If you are interested in helping in any way get in touch with us! Dm us in discord Ermini0#7687, rad casale, and CMD Burrito.
Useful links:
- 1Hive Minecraft Blockchain Server
- 1Hive Community’s Decentralized Dedicated Minecraft Server
- Hivecraft discord invite
Tulip Swarm:
Exciting news for Honeyswap!
The long-awaited stop loss/limit orders feature is in sight.
On August 17th we had a presentation from the Autonomy team on their Limit/Stop Loss tech for dexes. You can see their proposed tech on a Quickswap Demo here. They have a Certik audit coming and will be back in touch with the results. Once audited, they have offered to integrate their tech into Honeyswap for us. We’re hoping to have development starting within the next month.
ceresbzns will be out for parental leave and babies being what they are, we aren’t sure when he’ll be back. metaverde will step in as project manager to keep things running smoothly while ceres, our product manager, is out on leave.
We’ve been discussing how to structure compensation to align incentives. We need more stickiness and consistency from our contributors. Some of the ideas include using streaming compensation, vesting, and/or using protocol tokens. There’s many challenges to solve, including how to decentralize payment and verification of work done.
Tulip Swarm Compensation Stack Upgrade post on Discourse
Contractor Swarm Forum post
We are also rethinking Honeycomb farm rewards. Please see the post here.
And lastly for this recap, we recently cleaned house on the Tulip discord server, removing @contributor role from users who have not attended team calls or spoken in the chat in the last few months. If you have been removed and would like to rejoin and contribute, you are welcome to rejoin at any time.
We have been missing sand3sh since May.
borisblock, the other dev on Beezu, has been extremely busy with other 1Hive endeavors, including Tulip and Agave.
metaverde is interested in pushing the project forward without sand3sh, as there is a lot of interest in the project.
Look for a post on the Forum soon for the community to discuss how to go forward with the project.
chuygarcia has sourced the plushies!
luigylemon and metaverde are also working hard to ensure that once Agave is good to go we can move forward with putting the Dripp-ocalypse behind us.
The Alvin tokens will be replaced, plushies will be supplied, and if all goes as planned, the LP will also be restored.
A pretty busy month…isn’t it?
Thank you for reading so far. Stay tuned for everything related 1Hive! See you in early October, for 1Hive’s September Monthly Recap!