1 Hive Monthly Recap - July 2021

Hi Bees, :honeybee:

Welcome to 1 Hiveā€™s July Monthly Recap. Our Swarms have lots of exciting news to share with the community. As always, if you wish to check earlier recaps, here the latest ones: Recap June 2021 / Recap May 2021 / Recap Mar22nd - Apri25th / Recap Feb9th - Mar21st

Thanks to @gabi & @sacha (Gardens) - @Monstrosity (Tulip) - @solarmkd (Buzz) - @pab (Canon) - @Felix (Quests) - @chuygarcia92 (Commons) - @Escanor (Support)

(Video Credit - @harsh24 )

Swarms Monthly Recap

:sunflower:Gardens Swarm:

Design, UI, UX

Lots of progress on this front.

We have a new landing page, using our new brand identity. Check it out at: https://gardens.1hive.org

The UX research concluded with several important insights and learnings. The report summary can be found in: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10SzQ-z7xohtjT0cPI1vx0j4bIPb7jPOZMfWCxzDBN5g/edit#slide=id.gb6eec21f89_0_0

Weā€™re currently coordinating to address issues discovered as part of the research (starting with the low-hanging fruit). To improve the experience of growing a Garden. Paul2 created a board to discuss Effort vs Priority:

ETHCC talk

We had the chance to participate in the ETHCC event. @sacha presented an awesome introduction to why DAOs matter and how this links back to Gardens. Donā€™t miss it: Sacha Saint-Leger : Gardens: fulfilling the promise of effective on-chain governance

Dynamic issuance research

Sem started on some independent research to better understand the behaviour of our dynamic issuance policy. He worked on modeling it and has shared his results so far in a forum post:

Equipped with these insights heā€™s started working on an alternative implementation:

User onboarding

Agave is getting ready to deploy their Garden in production to the xDai network.

Weā€™ve deployed a rinkeby Garden for rLoop.

Defi Safety is preparing to deploy a rinkeby Garden.

Weā€™re in contact with several projects looking to start growing a test Garden on Rinkeby.


We are progressing towards the goal of having the onboarding ready for production.


Garden on xDai

Weā€™ve deployed a new work in progress UI to tentatively support Gardens going into production on xDai right away. The new UI is accessible at: https://gardens-xdai.1hive.org

Related links

Gardens workspace: zenhub

Sprint planning #13: šŸ§‘ā€šŸŒ¾ Gardens Sprint Planning #13 - HackMD

Sprint planning #12: šŸ§‘ā€šŸŒ¾ Gardens Sprint Planning #12 - HackMD

:globe_with_meridians:Commons Swarm:

  • The TEC hatch is finally released. This is the first huge and harder milestone for the Commons Swarm, and we are proud that everything is working as expected.

    • This dress rehearsal recap summarizes the process of test tokens going through the smart contracts: mintings, impact hours, ā€œragequittingā€, and the "commons upgradeā€.
  • The team continues working towards the Commons Upgrade after the hatch. This includes the migration of the Hatch DAO into a 1hive Gardens and the replacement of a bonding curve instead of the dynamic issuance policy. Two updates in relation to that are:

  • We have a new version of TEC Convert.

    • Uses the new simplified contract.
    • Applies entry and exit tributes.
    • Uses virtual supply and virtual balance in the calculations.
    • Uses the minimum return amount, so the transaction fails if the slippage is excessive.
  • EVMcrispr is a library to generate EVM scripts for DAOs to modify themselves, changing their properties, or even their own code. @paulo has been implementing it and itā€™s almost functional.

Useful links:

:rosette: Pollen Swarm:

More info from Pollen Swarm in the upcoming Monthly Recaps.

Useful links:

:yellow_heart:Support Swarm:

Our goals:

  • To help with onboarding & troubleshooting.
  • Highly active team (high accountability no work = no pay)
  • Develop community people trained (group of 4 to consult with each other)
  • Facilitator role; he will supervise, review the analytics, and pay the correct amount of HNY to the supporters.
  • Keeping the Wiki updated.

Some changes:

  • We have reduced the number of Support members from 5 to 4.
  • We have reduced the facilitator payment from 2000$ to 1400$ a month. ĀæWhy? Having to check 4 members instead of the whole community makes the task easier for the facilitator.
  • Now, instead of reducing the payment in slow weeks, we will pay a fixed amount of 800$ a month per support member.
  • New Task: Keeping the Wiki updated. Since members of this team are everywhere, and sometimes we will have slow weeks, @eenti had the idea to give one more responsibility to our members to keep them busy.
  • New Task: Now, The facilitator has to do some Feedback sessions with the members one time a month.

We now have two new roles in our Swarm:

  • Senior Supporter: They are the permanent support team on 1hive.
    • Have vast knowledge about 1Hive
    • Be available in the help channels and in Telegram
      A member can be removed if:
    • If absent for more than five days (Without telling us)
    • If someone violates our community covenant
    • Voluntarily
  • Junior Supporter: This spot is going to keep the rotation like before (1 member per month)

The idea overall is to have a solid support team. We will continue to pay some rewards for people who are actively helping and that are no part of the swarm.

Senior Supporter:

  • Eenti
  • Stonky
  • Solarmkd

Junior Supporter:

  • Fabio


  • Escanor

With the current funding, and the current price of honey, this funding will help us last for two months.

Our latest proposal is here: Honey Pot (1hive.org)

Thanks to every member of the Swarm for the feedback solarmkd - eenti - befitsandpiper - fabio - hernandoagf - stonky

:earth_americas:Terra Swarm:

Terra DAO had a less intensive month for what concerns translations, but a very intense one under other aspects. Besides translating the 1Hive June Monthly Recap, we are considering new ways to proceed to onboard new communities and enlarge the audience of non-English speaking users. To do that, we have been working on several things.

  • In addition to English and Spanish, Institution of 1Hiveā€™s Twitter accounts in different languages managed by Terra Members: French: @1hive_fr / Turkish: @1hiveTR / Portuguese: @HoneyswapP / Romanian: - @1Hive_ro
  • Translation of 1Hiveā€™s tweet in different languages
  • Maintenance of the 1Hive Wiki Page, upgrading the existing content.

Furthermore, we are also discussing more possibilities to keep our members busy. There are talks of having Welcome Bounties in different languages, opening support channels in different languages and so on.

Useful Links:

:cactus:Agave Swarm:

Agave DAO is always busy preparing the App for launch. The Weekly Updates #13, #14, #15 are our latest updates to the community. The app will be fully compatible with any device from launch, and most pages (Withdraw, Deposit, Lending) are now completed. Our Gardens testing proceeded without any bump, and this will be a major upgrade to include more of the community in the conversation.

Our Bounty Board, presented at the end of June, has received a great number of contributors and we are already benefiting from this. In fact, Agave was recently listed on Lunar Crush and we have inaugurated our informative/pedagogical series of Articles and Video called ā€œHow to Agaveā€: The first article was focused on Staking, and we have onboarded a writer, a designer and a video editor.

The next ā€œepisodesā€ will be published from August on.

Finally, in August we intend to work more on the NFTs and, for what concerns Alvin, our community members have started to take action, and you can read the latest update in this forum post.

Useful links:

:butterfly:Morphosis Swarm:

More info from Morphosis Swarm in the upcoming Monthly Recaps.

Useful links:

:sun_with_face:Celeste Swarm:

More info from Celeste Swarm in the upcoming Monthly Recaps.

Useful Links:

:honeybee:Buzz Swarm:

After the activities for the Honeycomb launch on the xDai chain for July, Buzz swarm was dedicated to preparing the launch of Honeycomb on Polygon.

  • We collaborated with the Polygon team and announced Honeyswap and 1Hive on their Twitter and did a Telegram AMA with them 2 weeks after the launch.We ended up having the most engaged tweet in the history of 1Hive with almost 600 likes and 200 retweets : https://twitter.com/0xPolygon/status/1405928011141025792. Unfortunately our AMA did not go as planned and everything ended up being rushed last minute but we did end up having a pretty big audience ask us questions about 1Hive.

  • In order to increase the reach and aesthetics of our media BuzzDAO worked closely with in-house designers to create better content and grow our Twitter channel during the launches of the new tokens. We want to give a big shout out to harsh24, borisblock, rohekbenitez for the amazing designs these past 30 days.

  • The PR & Business department of BuzzDAO also worked further on establishing partnerships with other projects such as : Surf Finance,Hedgey Finance, HOPR,Harvest Finance,Badger, Swarm, Xion Finance,Unicrypt and others. The fruits from these discussions are expected to be seen in the near future as we develop some collab ideas with them.

  • Furthermore, we are still dedicated on listening to our community and following up the developments, we had few discussions about creating more media channels around 1Hive and DeFi in general:

  • Twells is planning to run ambitious video project weekly on youtube informing on all the developments on 1Hive and more. You can read more about this in this document :1Hive Media - YT Show Pitch - Google Docs

  • Last but not least BuzzDAO worked on itā€™s new proposal which you can see here and vote here: Honey Pot

Useful Links:

:star:Quests Swarm:

Nothingā€™s big this month, but we have entered into a stabilization phase. A lot of bugs have been fixed and a test battery has been added to the solidity contracts. The subgraph is deployed and is listening on quests that are created. (Not yet in the main branch)

Next month will see the implementation of quest claiming by a player when providing the proof of quests completed.

Useful links:

:ledger:Canon Project:

The Canon team is collaborating diligently to prepare the first Genesis Collection NFT for presentation to 1Hive. As speccing the work for such a detailed and multi-media piece has been difficult, to put it mildly, we are going 1Hive OldSchool and creating the NFT before we write the first proposal. We may even have a way it can pay for itself, no proposal needed!

Useful links:


More info from Hivecraft Swarm in the upcoming Monthly Recaps.

Useful links:

:tulip:Tulip Swarm:

Tulip swarm has worked around the clock to meet the 1July deadline, when farms on Polygon will start! Liquidity on Honeyswap-xDai rose to nearly 20MLN in June, and that of Honeyswap-Polygon rose too, in anticipation of the pComb airdrop.

Application process for farms:

pComb single token staking is live on surfā€™s PolyWave https://polywave.finance/pools

Thank you everyone for reading so far. See you in early September, for 1Hiveā€™s August Monthly Recap! :chart_with_upwards_trend:



WOW. This is amazing. I canā€™t believe lots of works is done and there are still lots of works in the way.
Thanks a lot to everyone and thanks @Stonky for this great recap.


@Stonky great job with the recap, always at the foot of the canyon keeping the community up to date :four_leaf_clover: Thanks for the effort, blessings and hugs.

@gabi @sacha @Monstrosity @solarmkd @pab @Felix @chuygarcia92 @Escanor @harsh24 eenti thank you for giving the best of your for the proper functioning of 1hive and contributing with your great knowledge, they are fundamental pieces in the 1hive ecosystem, Congratulations :sunflower::sunrise::honeybee:


thereā€™s also @paul and @sem to thank, but i could only quote 10 members in one post!


Some of the side things in 1hive was not really changed for now. However many core things especially the DAO infrastructure is really making movement. Great work.


Great as always. Much appreciated @Stonky