Getting Closer to the Gardens Swarm

Hello everyone in the 1hive community! The following thread will talk about the projects going on in the Gardens Swarm in order to have better comms with the rest of the community. Please consider dedicating a 20-30 minute read to get to know the Gardens Swarm better, I can assure you you’ll find their objectives to be fascinating and of great benefit to 1hive!!

The :sunflower:Gardens Swarm, with the collaboration and co-funding of TE Commons, manages the development of the Gardens Template, which will allow communities to stake tokens for signaling attention, prioritize proposals, and collectively allocate shared resources in the same way we do.

How is the Gardens Swarm achieving this?

First of all, there are two different template flavors:

  • The Honey Template: Works with token issuance just like 1hive does. Currently the Luna Swarm is working in a cadCAD model that will improve the issuance model.
  • The Commons Template: Uses the Augmented Bonding Curve for issuance and Hatch for Initialization.

Let’s take some steps back so we can understand some information essential to define the Gardens Swarm objectives:

  • Conviction Voting: a decision making process that funds proposals based on the aggregated preference of community members, expressed continuously. In other words, voters are always asserting their preference for which proposals they would like to see approved, rather than casting votes in a single time-boxed session. A member can change their preference at any time, but the longer they keep their preference for the same proposal, the “stronger” their conviction gets. This added conviction gives long standing community members with consistent preferences more influence than short term participants merely trying to influence a vote. More Info
  • Augmented Bonding Curve: aligns the incentives of a community to support an underlying public good. It solves the liquidity problem for small market cap economies by creating and destroying tokens on demand, and creates continuous funding streams to support community projects via entry and exit tributes. More info
  • TEC (Token Engineering Commons): is a hard-working community that hopes to advance the field of Token Engineering by creating an economy to support aligned projects. They work side by side with Gardens Swarm as the Commons Template’s first user. They’re also co-funding the Gardens Template project. More info
  • Hatch: The social and economic initialization phase of a Commons Template Gardens. The Hatchers equate to the founding members of the community and provide the initial capital that will be used to achieve the goal of the Commons. More info
  • Celeste: Another one of 1hive’s projects with AMAZING potential. Celeste as some of you know is working hard on governance improvements, mainly a tool that will allow communities to challenge proposals in DAOs (specifically making the voting and conviction voting apps “disputable”) in a decentralized way, using the HNY token as the core part of its economic model. More info
  • cadCAD: complex adaptive dynamics Computer-Aided Design. Helps the decision making process for designing token economies by simulating different outcomes, this way the token engineers have further information on the impact of their choices of parameters. cadCAD is not only useful for economic design but also computer-aided governance, as the Luna Swarm shows. More info
  • Luna Swarm: The :last_quarter_moon_with_face:Luna Swarm is a collaboration of individuals and organizations that seek to rigorously model the 1Hive ecosystem in cadCAD, providing tools for operational decision support including future design and governance decisions. More info

Why is the Gardens Template important for 1hive?

  • The Gardens Template will make possible for communities to organize and work towards a common goal. Imagine making what we have in 1hive accessible for more people and improve it together. 1hive is about creating value around Honey, and a product with such potential should involve the participation of the whole community. @griffgreen gives a more thorough explanation in this forum post I’d highly encourage everyone to read.
  • One of the near goals of the Gardens Swarm is to have better communication with its community so we can count with your support, as well as your suggestions and ideas for improving the templates. Get involved! This is how you can start:
    • Weekly forum thread:
      • Follow this thread by enabling notifications! There will be updates every Wednesday. @boring877 is already doing a great job with biweekly recaps, which will include a summary of our Wednesday post.
    • Weekly meeting:
      • The Gardens Swarm holds a weekly meeting every Monday at 2pm NYC time. Status for current projects is discussed here. This meeting has already been added to the 1hive Google Calendar. Feel free to jump in!
    • Gardens Swarm AMA:
      • We’re having a Gardens Swarm AMA on Feb 4th 4:00PM UTC. For this we’re gonna need some help from our friends at the Buzz Swarm! Let’s talk about how we can make this event a success!
      • The AMA will have @griffgreen @lkngtn @willjgriff @sem and @gabi interacting through different live social media platforms the Buzz Swarm has been working on the past months like the Telegram group, Twitter and YouTube.
    • Other sources:
      • TEC Meetings: come and hang out at the meetings going on in TEC’s Discord server. They’re as good as we are in making new members feel welcome :slight_smile: .
      • ZenHub: the Gardens Swarm ZenHub board is one of the most updated and organized sources regarding daily progress in the Gardens Swarm.

TL;DR: (Too long; didn’t read):

If you wanna get all of this in a general way in 5 min, watch this summarized interview with Griff Green, one of the Lead Researchers of the Gardens Swarm, co-founder of the Commons Stack, Giveth, White Hat Group, and DAppNode. Full version of this interview can be found here.

We look forward to seeing you get involved with the :sunflower: Gardens Swarm’s incredible projects! See you next Wednesday :slight_smile: :honeybee:


Gracias por la informaciĂłn. Muy buena

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The Gardens swarm meeting is unfortunately at the same time as the Data Analysis class.
I see they post vids of the meetings.
Here is the most recent.

Thank-you Chuy for this.
It is exactly what I needed and you just saved me hours of research that had been hanging over my head for well over a month.


Thanks a lot for sharing this summary, I’m hyped on what lies ahead for Gardens Swarm :sunflower:


Wednesday’s Weekly Gardens Update - Jan 25-31

  • This has been a good week for Gardens! Some people have been checking this thread out and while I know all of this information might be confusing at first, we at the Gardens Swarm appreciate your time and effort to get to better understand its unique value for 1hive.

  • There are some discussions in the forum regarding changes in the swarm. As you remember, there are two flavors of Garden Templates and the team is currently debating what is the most efficient model for organizing these. Your participation is important for the community!!

  • In case you don’t know, there were recent events in Aragon DAO that made the DAO community question different issues in governance. Even though this isn’t directly related to 1hive, these conversations are important for the improvement of governance tools.

  • As a reminder, we’re having a Gardens Swarm AMA next week on Feb 4th, 4:00 PM UTC. Come hang and keep learning about the role Gardens plays in 1hive and sister communities.

For concluding, @lkngtn shared a highly-relatable meme that summarizes our last few weeks.
If you get it it’s definitely a good start :laughing::

We appreciate your time and dedication!! See you on Monday’s weekly meeting! 2PM NYC time!


Keep up the good work keeping us informed @chuygarcia92.

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thanks @chuygarcia92!

Good stuff! thanks for the updates @chuygarcia92
Ill definitely be keeping an eye on this thread

Wednesday’s Weekly Gardens Update - Feb 1-7

  • A lot of bees are starting to show interest in what goes on in the Gardens Swarm. We thank you for this and encourage you to keep participating joining our weekly meetings on Mondays and keeping up with our ZenHub board.

  • Tomorrow’s Gardens Swarm AMA will be pushed back 1 or 2 weeks. This is due to the decisions being made in the swarm in regards to how we will organize our templates. Once we know how to better organize the swarm, we can present information in a much more useful way for this event.

  • Instead of the AMA tomorrow, we’ll have a meeting at 4:00 PM UTC with both the Commons and the Honey templates where we’ll make a decision on how the Gardens Swarm will coordinate its efforts in the future.

  • Hatch freeze! We’re freezing our hatch smart contracts for the Commons Template this week! Once done, we will proceed to audit our smart contracts with a very respected and recognized external party, which puts us in the final road to launch!

  • We recommend this post on how hatch parameters are decided.

See you next Monday in the Gardens weekly meeting @9:00 PM UTC!


Ohhhh thank you for the ZenHub link!

thanks for the update. Happy to see the progress. Keep going!

Wednesday’s Weekly Gardens Update - Feb 8-14

  • Thank you so much for your interest these past few weeks! The teams are excited for having the support of the community in future proposals. Great things are starting to happen in 1hive!

  • Some tooling issues on xdai haven’t made possible for the Commons Swarm to freeze their smart contracts, however the audit with AdriĂ  Massanet is still happening! We’re very honored to have the support of Adrià’s experience.

  • Major changes!! What was formerly known as the Gardens Templates are now two different swarms focused in different efforts for tokenized communities:

The Gardens Swarm:

This is what we used to call the Honey Template. Works with token issuance currently being improved by the Luna Swarm and Celeste. This swarm will keep working independently and closer to the original Gardens vision.

The Commons Swarm:

The Commons Swarm will be dedicated to implement the original Commons Stack MVP with 1hive technologies. We are building our project on top of Gardens (disputable honeypot, conviction voting
) in order to provide a slightly different DAO Factory for Commons Stack. In the last weeks some members of the community have been discussing on which is the best way to brand the 1hive DAO factory (a-k-a Gardens), and we have decided that the original vision of Commons Stack is not suitable for Gardens since it is going to prioritize a simpler model (using just one token for governance and funding, as in HNY). A more complex model has been developed to fit the Commons Stack design and deploy the new Token Engineering Commons DAO, a two token model, a reserve and a funding pool that hold a stablecoin, and an initial hatch phase in which the community is funded by its founders. This model is called from now on Commons, and hence the Commons Swarm. The idea of having two channels is to be ordered and do not mix concepts. However, since both Gardens and Commons will be contributing to similar codebases, being the second project an extension of the first, we also have to keep a fluid communication between the swarms, so both project can contribute to each other.

See you next Monday in the Gardens weekly meeting @9:00 PM UTC!


Wednesday’s Weekly Gardens Update - Feb 15-21

  • Due to the recent changes in the swarm, we will be moving this thread to a new one focused in the Commons Swarm comms. Thank you for coming closer to :sunflower:Gardens!

  • You can check the progress of the Commons Swarms in its new thread, make sure you enable alerts!:

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