Thanks for the fast reply D0SH.
I wasn’t sure if the Bounties in the “Review” column were applicable or if they were premature for application/assignment. I admit I have not read each and every article yet thus I am still getting familiar with 1Hive. If my application was too early please accept my apologies. When scanning the various bounties I noticed some in the “Review” column had already been assigned and so I proceeded to apply.
I will standby on writing anything until you give the go-ahead. I will keep researching for now. I still need to buy get hny and try to get involved with Celeste. Not sure what the minimum staking requirements are yet. I am also interested in the Token Engineering Commons even though I lack technical skills.
I have lots of reading to do. If no further Celeste integrations develop in maybe 10-14 days perhaps I should start writing a first-draft for the bounty which leaves open a space for adding paragraphs about the additional integrations. At least then we will have the article in an advanced state near completion for quick publication, once the new integrations get added. How does that sound? I could msg you in 2 weeks as a reminder.
Thanks for the consideration and nice to meet you.
UPDATE: I just learned the bounties are only open for application once in the pipeline column. I do not feel right getting this bounty early when other community members have expressed interest in applying for bounties before mine.
I retract my application and will re-apply when it reaches the pipeline. Apologies. Sometimes I get a bit ahead of myself with excitement. My research will continue unabated